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Parking the car and shuffling over to the hospital entrance, curiousness plagued my mind. Walking through the waiting room, I saw Jay standing outside one of the rooms in the ED. Carefully making my way past all the craziness and doctors running around, I stopped next to Jay.

Sending a smile my way, he nodded his head at the girl. "Her name is Holly Bankston, and Since she woke up, she says she only wants to talk to the blonde woman who cut her down".

Softly making my room to the room, I knocked on the frame. The moment her eyes met mine, a look of relief washed over the poor girl. Quickly making my way towards her side, she grabbed my hand.

"Thank you for getting me out. That guy was crazy, and continued to compare me to this girl". As she rambled on, I motioned for Jay go get in the room.

"Holly". Catching the girls attention, I sat on the edge of the bed, my thumb rubbing a relaxing patterns. "You need to tell us everything that happened. The man who attacked you, he is a dangerous man and he could be on his way to hurt somebody else"

I stayed in the room, wanting to hear what happened, who he was comparing her too. Occasionally asking my own questions, some that I know would help Intelligence find a way to track him. Eventually Jay asked the inevitable.

"Do you happen to know who he was comparing you too. Did a name ever escape or description". For a few seconds nothing was said, until she slowly nodded.

"He continued to talk about blonde hair, and how she was clever enough to walk away from him". Sharing a glance with Jay, we both looked at each other confused. Giving Holly a smile, Jay and I left the room, closing the door behind us.

Turning towards one another, we were both processing what she said. "No one else survived him, Holly is the first person. So who is he talking about". Jay shook his head and stared down at his notepad before his head whipped up to meet my eyes.

"You". I stared at him confused, until he went into detail. "Think about it, who else has been to all the scenes, the only girl that hasn't been able to get stuck in his traps."

Frowning at the idea of this bastard hurting people to get my attention, I shook my head. "What now"

"Well I am going to head to the station, update Voight and the others. Blake I think you should come to the station".

Giving him a small nod, he placed a hand on my shoulder. Walking out of the ED, waving bye to Maggie, got into our vehicles. Following behind Jay, I finally called Kelly.

"What's up sis" and for the first time ever, I didn't know what to say to my brother. How was I supposed to tell him that this arsonist could be after me. "Blake"

"Kelly, I need you to meet me at the 21st". The rustling and scrambling noises were heard through the phone before he responded.

"I'm on my way" . Pulling up outside the station, I quickly headed up the stairs, Jay behind me, covering my back. Passing by all the officers, we got upstairs.

"Kelly should be here in a few, I want him to know what's going on". Agreeing on the situation, I leaned on one of the desk. Listening to Jay speaking to Intelligence, then of course coming out with the theory of my being a potential target. Voight's eyes met mine.

"How close were you to solving it a few years ago". I was about respond but my brother's voice answered it for me, protectiveness radiating off of him.

"Extremely, the only thing we needed was to narrow down the suspects"

Staring at the board, I sighed ever so slightly. "Why would he come back now, why would he want me". Kelly's pulled me closer into his arms. Leaning on his chest, I stared at Hank.

"We don't know, but we will do whatever we can to figure it out. In the meantime, I wouldn't go anywhere alone".

Nodding in acknowledgement, I stood up, allowing Kelly to put his hand over my shoulder. Waving at them, we disappeared. Stepping out of the precinct, Kelly stop us once we were outside.

Instantly wrapping my arms around him, he hugged me tightly. "I want you stay with me. If this asshole is coming after you, I can't..."

I nodded against his chest, I didn't really want to be alone. Turning on the car's engine, I drove behind my brother's car, the one he loves a little bit less than Stella.

Entering the Kelly Severide bachelor pad, I smiled. It was nice to spend some time with him outside of work. Although it is under terrible circumstances, I will gladly take it. "Can we watch some Disney Movies".

His laughs bounced along the walls of his loft, his care-free nature shining through. "Yes, now go change". Sending him a cheeky smile, I almost skipped into the guest bedroom. Before I entered, I turned around to see Kelly smiling as he picked a random Disney Movie I forced him to keep at his apartment.

Slipping on something comfy, I walked out of the room to see his back facing me. Doing a sprint, I leaped onto his back, my arms around his neck and my legs around his torso. Immediately grabbing onto my legs to stabilize me, I giggled as I laid my head on his shoulder, a bright smile adorning my own features. Spinning me around the living room, he dropped me on the couch.

The two of us smiling at the old memories. Every time I was upset, I would jump on Kelly's back and he would spin me around the room trying to get me to laugh. Instantly curling into his side, he held me protectively. "I'm scared Kelly"

"I know, I am too"

There we sat, the two Severide siblings, just spending some quality time together. None of us knowing that this was just the beginning.

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