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"Why don't you just ask him out. I love the two of you dearly, but I'm tired of the love eyes and nothing happening" I spoke up, not even looking up from the book I was reading. Stella sat next to me, her legs resting on top of mine.

"But what if I get rejected. I can't go through the embarrassment and...." only she shut her mouth by the look I gave her. Raising my eyebrow at her, she sighed. "Why would he want me. I mean I am not special and he can have any girl he wants"

Placing the bookmark on the page I was on, I closed it. Looking at gorgeous black hair girl in front of me, I gave a small smile. "He wants you because you are beautiful, selfless, funny, sarcastic. He wants you because you don't jump on him like most girls."

A smile adorning her face. "If he does reject you, which would be his loss by the way, we will marry each other. No harm, no foul". Laughing out, we tried not to fall off the chairs.

Severide and Casey walked in, looking at us like we were lunatics. Which we aren't.......completely. I tried to gain some composure but the look on Stella's  face, it only caused me to start laughing again.

Finally able to control my laughter, I turned towards my brother and his partner in crime. "How can I help you Thing 1 and Thing 2". Stella's laughter started up once again, and I tried to cover the side of my face so I wouldn't start laughing again.

"We need your help with something". Sensing the severity of the situation I stood up. Raising an eyebrow for one of them to continue, they motioned for me to follow them. Glancing at Stella she gave me a thumbs up. Flipping her off with a smile, I jogged after them.

Standing in between the two boys, I felt like I was the wingwoman. Considering I have been trying to get Severide with Stella, and Matt with Sylvie. It obviously hasn't worked out the way I planned it, but it is slowly getting there. I watched as a SUV pulled into the driveway, more like whipped into the drive.

"What the hell is going on". Placing a protective hand on my shoulder, I watched as a intimidating man stepped out of his car. Posture showing one of confidence, and commanding. Trying not to show any confusion on my face what so ever, the tough looking man came closer to us.

I watched as he stuck his hand, shaking hands with Matt and Kelly, before turning towards me. "Sergeant Hank Voight". Shaking his hand with as much confidence as I could muster.

"Blake Severide. May I ask what is going on". Holding a folder out towards me, I took it gingerly. Glancing at my brother and seeing him nod, I opened it. The sight I saw, was one I was very familiar with. One of the cold arson cases Kelly and I worked on.

I listened in as Hank talked about his current case, which showed the same patterns as the old one. Watching the older man's gaze land on me, I listened in. "I was told you would have some insight".

I gave a small nod, looking down at the file once again. "Yeah. Kelly and I worked on this one. From what I can remember, we filed it down to handful of suspects. Starting device was a cell phone trigger. If I can find the old case file, I can bring it over to Intelligence"

Shaking our hands in thanks, he walked back towards his car. Still holding the file in my hand, I stared at the crime scene photo, old memories resurfacing. A reassuring squeezing was placed on my shoulder, then a kiss to my cheek. "Our arson cases should be in a box in my office"

Leaving the two superiors to their own conversations, I waltzed into the bunk room. Seeing a napping Cruz, I made sure to walk by as silently as possible. If you wake up firefighters and it is not for a call, well you just awakened a beast.

Scanning all over Severide's small Officer quarters, I spotted our handy dandy arson box. Pulling it out from underneath his bed, I placed it on his desk. Opening the box, many memories came flooding back into my head. All of the arson cases that we couldn't close because their wasn't enough factual evidence to put the person behind bars.

Skimming through the names we created, My eyes landed directly on the one I was looking for. It was one of those cases that was unforgettable. Opening the file, the list of suspects being one of the first things I saw, of course after the horrendous crime scene pictures.

Hearing a knock on the door, I saw my brother leaning on it. "This case gave me nightmares", I spoke out, his eyes widening at the revelation.

"Why didn't you tell me". His brotherly tone kicking in. Stopping in front of me, his hands grabbed my shoulder. Sighing, I looked at him, a look of guilt in his eyes.

"It was one of the first big arson cases I was working with you. Why would I let you down by showing I was terrified by what I saw". Taking the file from my hand, he placed it on the bed before pulling me into a hug. His arms wrapping around me in a protective manner.

Leaning my forehead against his chest, he laid his head on top of mine. A subtle kiss placed on my head. "You could never let me down. No matter how strong I appear to be Blake, I do have my moments where I am scared".

Separating from one another, he squeezed my shoulder. "Blake you don't have to get involved in the case"

Smiling softly at him, I squeezed his shoulder in response. "I will be ok". Taking hold of the file, I walked out of the room. Stopping by Boden's office to tell him I was going to the precinct, I left.

Not knowing that once I stepped into that precinct, my life would change.

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