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The past few weeks have been a struggle especially with two boys wanting to make sure I didn't over exert myself. The amount of times I have cursed them out, and snapped at them was to many to count, but neither boy backed down. Kelly was used to it, it is how I am when I am injured. As for Jay on the other hand, I am surprised he didn't run away when he had the chance.

I tried to keep my snapping to a minimum, knowing that they were trying their best to make my recovery a little easier. All the pain I had vanished, my ribs healed, and the stitches where I had surgery were gone. I was back to normal with a few scars imprinted onto my skin. A reminder.

Throwing on one of my shirts from the dresser drawer, I wandered into the living room where Kelly was sitting on the couch. "You excited to come back to work tomorrow". One enthusiastic nod came from me.

"Oh absolutely. I was going stir crazy the second I was in the hospital". Understanding that feeling very well, I sat on the couch beside my brother. Staring at the boy, he looked confused until I raised my eyebrow.

Watching as my older brother gave in to my persistent looks, I almost screamed in victory and excitement. "Stella and I went on a date". Beaming with proud, I gave him a hug. "And she told me I was taking to long to ask her out, she she asked me"

Pulling away from the lieutenant, I smirked. "You both took to long in my opinion, but maybe you will learn that I understand what I am talking about".

"Right, says the person who doesn't want to call her own lover boy because she doesn't want to bother him".

Pointing my finger at my brother, I held a playful glare at him. "For your information, my boy is out chasing bad guys and getting shot at. You and Stella work the same shift and have off on the same days."

Rolling his eyes at me, he pushed over on the couch, not liking that I was right once again. Throwing my hands up in victory, I quickly got off the couch before he could wack me with a pillow. "You don't got to be abusive.".

Hearing my phone chime, I jogged over to it, mildly intrigued about who is texting me in the afternoon. Only I felt my heart drop at the notification. Quickly hitting the call button, I walked into my bedroom.

"Hailey". Swallowing after saying her name, I tried to keep my emotions in check. I can't break down over the phone.

"It's bad Blake, they just brought him into surgery..."

Slipping on some shoes while holding the phone against my ear and shoulder, I started to get ready to leave. Listening to everything she was saying, my strong facade was starting to break.

"I'm leaving now Hailey, I should be there soon". Quickly hanging up the phone, I hurried out of the room, my brother already looking concerned. Placing a kiss on his cheek, he squeezed my shoulder. "It's Jay, he got shot while chasing a suspect, I got to get to the hospital"

Waving me off, I grabbed my keys before rushing towards my car. Starting the engine, I rushed to the hospital, trying my hardest not break any of the laws. Although I was close to. Parking the car outside of Chicago Med, I jogged info waiting room spotting Intelligence.

Sensing my presence, Hailey stood up pulling me into a hug. "He is still in surgery B". Shakily releasing a breath, I was given a hug by each and every person, except for Hank. Him and I just stuck to nodding our heads.

Sitting down next to the Blonde girl, I started to play my hands. I was worried, how could I not be. The boy I was falling for was currently in surgery fighting for his life. Now I know he felt when I was in the hospital a few weeks ago.

I was used to the waiting and anxiety due to firehouse and you know firefighters becoming injured. I was used to my brother being a heroic idiot and becoming hurt, forcing me to be in the waiting worrying my brains out. This is is different.

Hearing footsteps coming closer to us, I looked up to see Will. Standing up from the chair, Intelligence followed suit. Themselves worried about their brother in blue. "The surgery was successful, he should make a full recovery in a few weeks."

Relief washed over all of us at the good news. "Blake he is asking for you". Nodding in acknowledgement, I turned towards Intelligence only to see them all wave me off to go see my boy. Following the ginger haired doctor, the two of us talked. Mostly him asking about how I was doing.

"I'm good, got cleared yesterday, starting back at the firehouse tomorrow.".

Stopping in front of the room, my eyes met the eyes of my former soldier, fear in his eyes at being in the hospital. Waltzing into the room, I was by his side in seconds. Grasping his hand, I sat on the edge of the bed, my other hand brushing through his hair.

Sending me a weak smile, I placed a small kiss on his lips. "At least you waited to get injured Ice-Pop". A soft chuckle being my response.

"Blake. I need you to sneak me out of the hospital". Frowning slightly at his fear of hospital and needles, I shook my head gently.

"I wish I could Jay, but I can't do that. Besides you didn't sneak me out when I asked."

Looking down at our hands, I drew a soothing figure on his hand. Watching his hand squeeze mine, I flashed my eyes to his. "What's going on in that mind of yours Fire-Pop"

Staring at the boy, I blinked away the tears that started to form as my mind started to replay the phone call with Hailey. "I was so worried Jay. When Hailey called me and told me you were shot... it just felt like time stopped"

Motioning for me to lay down, I laid beside the detective, my head softly laying on his good shoulder. He arm wrapped around me, a kiss placed on my forehead. "It takes a lot more than a bullet to take me down Blake. Besides we have a date that I can't miss"

Chuckling softly, I tilted my head up to look at him. Leaning forward, the two us shared a small kiss. "No one else can get injured, not until we have that date"


I spent most of the night with him, with Intelligence coming into the room to check on their detective, I tried to leave to give him some time with them but he put up a fight. The boy not wanting me to leave him alone.

The RespondersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora