Karkat ---> Feel guilty

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Your name is KARKAT VANTAS and you feel like you can't take it anymore.

You sit here in your respite block, alone with the chirring sounds of the meteors technology around you. You're playing 'THE PRINCESS BRIDE' one of your favorite movies, but only staring at the blinding bright screen as your mind is elsewhere.

It's dark and lonely here on the meteor, and you can't help but feel your grey skin feel cold at the loneliness around you.

You feel like someone is watching you which you're ex-moirail, Gamzee, most likely is. You've been feeling watched all trip long, but had no one to talk about it to.

Kanaya and Rose have been inseparable lately, it feels like they can never take their eyes off one another for a few minutes.

The mayor is nice, but too focused on trying to build his town called; "Can-Town,"

Terezi and Vriska have been off doing who knows what,

But Dave, Dave was still an insufferable prick. You still joke a lot with him, don't hate him as much now. In fact, you're starting to feel something else deep down in your gut, nothing like a one-sided pitch crush that you've claimed to have for... lots of people.

You guys cuddle and sometimes "flirt" as Rose calls it, but you've never talked about it.

You decide to not let your mind go into the clusterfuck you call your feelings, and revert your attention back to the bright screen dimming the whole room with a white light. A bump in the vents causes you to tense up slightly, and look up at your blocked vent.

Let's cut to the chase.

You've been reminiscing about the past. Memories you're sure you aren't supposed to even have, but there's a slight nudge. Of other timelines- other lives.

One significant memory always takes a toll on your head.

You can't believe that once you shoosh-papped Gamzee. You can't believe that one time, you actually thought being his moirail was a good idea.

You thought looking past your different blood colors for him was safe. Then it all came crashing down on you. He went insane.

He killed your friends. Vriska did as well, but it didn't hurt as much as Gamzee's murder spree. Okay maybe you worded that wrong, god you're fucking pathetic.

What you're trying to say is, Gamzee betrayed you.

But, it's all your fault.

You couldn't protect them, stop them from tearing each other's throats out. Gamzee talked about his religious views and "merciful messiahs", but you thought that was the sopor

You should've never let him off of it.

You remember all those times where you and him talked, where things seemed to be going in the right directions. He was your best friend- someone who you let pale-make out
with you. Now he'll never be the same.

You start to feel your chest ache as the bumps in the vents sound closer. You mute your husktop, holding your breath.

You hear one faint 'honk' and decide to abscond the fuck outta there. You can think later.


You feel like a major quivering nook running out of your own goddamn room for some noises and a honk, but the mutant instincts told you to hit the hay. So, here you are now, walking down the long grey hallways of a space rock hurtling towards what could be your death battles.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2017 ⏰

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