Chapter two

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A lot of swearing in here.

Tony POV

I was lying on my bed thinking about Ziva starting to think to myself why does Ziva always wear long sleeves and pants? I've never seen her wear short sleeves and shorts after she got together with Ray.

No she is strong, fighting kick-ass ninja, ex-Mossad she could never do that. By then I had drifted off to sleep.

Ziva POV

I entered my house, Ray was asleep, thankfully. I went to my room and got changed then Ray woke up. Where were you ??!! Ray started yelling (which was usual) I just had to work late I said quietly. YOU FUCKING LIAR!!!! He shouted. He pushed me on my bed then he started beating/punching my stomach hitting me in places where no one will see. YOU FUCKING UGLY WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT! YOU ARE SUCH A FUCKING FAT SLUT AND WHORE NO ONE FUCKING WANTS YOU, YOU DONT DESERVE TO BE IN THIS WORLD!!!! YOU DESERVED EVERYTHING YOU GOT IN SOMALIA!!!!!! He started cutting my stomach with a knife 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 deep gashes bleeding everywhere. He dug his fingers into my sides so I couldn't move and then he punched me in the face I was knocked out.....

When I awoke I was completely naked and Ray said "finally your conscious because you deserve this and all this pain" then he started to get undressed and he raped me afterwards I just lay there unable to move thinking about Tony please save me.....

Sorry I'll try do it better I hope I get better in time.,. Let me no for some tips on how to improve

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