Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Frank frustratedly ran his fingers to his hair. It has been four days but his men still couldn't find Nina. He almost burned his favorite carpet from pacing back and forth.

Where is she? He asked himself again. He lost count on how many times he asked that to himself.

When he first knew that Nina was missing, he immediately sent his men out searching the whole place. They made sure to check every motels or hotels that spans the area. He even went further up to the two nearby cities but they still couldn't find her. He was very tempted to kill his employees himself.

Worst of all, Lucius decided to pay him another visit yesterday.

He almost fainted when he saw his familiar built lounging on his bar drinking his whiskey. Lucius does know how to pay a visit. He was sure shaken up by his surprise appearance.

Frank was about to step back and hide on his office when Lucius noticed him.

With a leisure walk, Lucius made his way to him. He had to wipe his forehead and compose himself before Lucius notice his uneasiness.

Every time he saw Lucius, his ego and pride depletes. And it frustrated him even more. Frank Gregory was not someone who's easily scared. He's the tough one one and he doesn't back away. But now, damn it if he don't want to strangle Lucius to death.

He tried really hard that night to relax and remain calm. Thankfully, Lucius didn't notice his panic as he asked about their recent transaction. He managed to pull it through the whole meeting.

"Where are you, damn it!" He cursed loudly. " I have no other choice. I can't rely on my people. Those worthless bastards."

He picked up his phone and dialed a number.

"I need you to kill someone for me."

After Nina cried for a long time on his shoulders, she passed out. Rey noticed how her body grew heavy on his arms.

He looked at her face and noticed her already passed out.

Afraid of what might happen to her, he scooped her and carried her to the clinic. His worry intensified by the minute as the nurse fussed over her.

He couldn't do anything but stand in the end of the bed with an intense and unexpected fear creeping on his veins. He looked at her face. His heart was torn seeing the frown she had even on her sleep.

How much loneliness have she been through? He asked himself.

His thought surprised him. He didn't think with that level of concern when it comes to the other girls. With Nina, it was all different. He seemed to care too much about her that it worries him so much seeing her lying on that bed with a frown on her beautiful face.

"She passed out due to exhaustion, sir. She needs rest and it's better if she'll spend it somewhere she could really relax. Her body was so stressed out physically, mentally and emotionally. Her body will give in if she didn't take a break."

Rey was awoken from his reverie by the nurse's diagnosis. He looked at her and nodded, "Thanks. Would you prepare the medicines that she needed to take?"

"Yes, sir." The nurse politely answered him.

"Oh wait!" He called again.

"Yes, sir?"

"Would you please call Sylvia? I'd like to talk to her."

"Ok sir." The nurse answered and left him.

Looking at Nina again, he made his way on the side of her bed and sat on the chair.

Without thinking, he held her hand and cradled it on both of his. He reached out his free hand and caressed Nina's face. He tries to smooth out the frown on her brows.

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