Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Nina huddled herself closer in her jacket in an attempt to remain unnoticed from the people she passed by. Ever since she slipped out on the alley she had never stopped running. And that was three hours ago. Out of breath, she slowed to a jog until she had her breath and mind calm enough to settle on a fast walk, never wanting to draw attention from the people around her. She walked and walked and walked, avoiding contact with anybody. She bowed her head, not looking at other people’s eyes, afraid that they’ll notice how frightened she was at that very minute. She continued her fast walk, head bowed down but still aware of her surroundings.

She hugged her bag closer to her body as her nerves tightened inside her body. Her sweat began to run cold as her heart frantically pounded harder inside her chest. She needed to control her breath harder if she wanted to keep sane in her current situation. Even if nothing’s sane at all.

She pondered what she had witness at Frank’s office a couple of hours ago. She can’t believe any of it even though she had seen and heard it all herself. She had to get away and hide. Those guys were not human. They’re evil. How could something as bad as hell ever existed and make the innocent suffer? How could they do something so bad but still manage to laugh at it? They’re heartless. They have no conscience. They deserve a slow death. They deserve to burn in hell.

Nina couldn’t help but shake in anger at the image of the innocent falling in the hands of evil creatures. She clamped her jaw tighter just to prevent herself from screaming about the unfairness of the world. What had they done to deserve this? What had she done to deserve the life she just decided to leave?

She suddenly stopped in her tracks when a snippet of her past began to appear centerfold in her mind. She suppressed it and forced it down her bottom drawer before locking it tightly shut.

She doesn’t need her drama right now. She needed her mind in a clear state. She’s not in a beach, looking at the sunset while reminiscing her past. No. She’s far from it. She’s on the run and if she didn’t think straight, instead of her seeing the setting of the sun, she may be seeing the setting of her body haphazardly six feet under the ground without people knowing about it.

No. She didn’t need that. She needed to move. And she had to do it right now.

With one determined step, she continued fast walking along the streets of Fort Lauderdale, Jacksonville, planning out her next move.

First, she needed to get out of there. Fast and unnoticed. She needed to disappear. No one should recognize her face. No one should notice her. No one should know where she’d gone.

Then she needed to find somewhere safe. She can’t go to the police. Oh no, not an option, ever. She didn’t trust the police. They’re all the same. They’re hypocrite, saying they’ll protect the innocent people from bad guys when they’re the bad guys who were using the innocent for their own pleasure. They love power and control and they’ll do whatever it takes to just to exercise their power on the weak.

She shuddered when she remembered having one police pelted her ass with his belt laughing while exclaiming how hard he gets when he saw red marks beginning to appear in his bitches. That sick bastard. He doesn’t even heard her gut-wrenching scream as he continuously whacked her with his belt before claiming her so hard, she had her face scraped down the rough stain-soaked carpet at his first thrust. She walked like a crab after that and still had to angrily endure listening to Frank’s yell when she requested a day off to nurse her wounds from the beating.

No. No more police or any man in the forces. She had enough of them. And she will never trust them. Ever.

She couldn’t even go to the government when she already knew how crazy and cruel they all can be. Policemen and government officials were all the same. They are all man and they could never be trusted.

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