Chapter 8

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"I had already instructed Sylvia to pack your things." Nina looked up at Rey.

"You had?" She asked wiping her tears. She was amazed how positive Rey thinks and now amused to find him scratching his head for his hastiness.

"Yeah well, I hoped you'd say yes." He answered, flushing.

She cocked her head on the side and raised an eyebrow.

"And what if I said no?"

"I haven't even given that thought a chance. I guess, I'll just convince you again and again until you say yes." He fessed up.

"You'll use flattery?"

"No, I'll use sincerity." She bushed at the truthfulness of his words, until she say how the side of his lips lifted into a mischievous smile.

"But then again, I think I'll also use flattery. As added ammo." He wiggled his eyebrows as his smile widened.

For the first time, a genuine laugh escaped from Nina's lips. She felt light doing it that she seemed to laugh endlessly.

It felt good to laugh. It felt good to feel your lungs fill up with air and exert effort. It felt really good and she had Rey to thank for.

She smacked a chaste kiss on his cheek, feeling grateful. She laughed again as she saw the surprised looked on his face. Her laughter didn't cease as she memorized that moment and treasured it.

She doesn't have many things. Rey wanted to smack the guy several times right on its face for all that he's done to Nina.

"If ever that guy, whoever he was, dared crossed his path he might kill him no matter how against it was to his profession." Rey thought, clutching Nina's bag tighter than he intended as they made their way to his car.

He never thought that Nina would say yes and come with him. He was grateful, nevertheless. He was so damn lucky he could fly.

He turned and smiled as Nina said goodbye to the other women of the shelter. All of them have knowing smiles on their faces as they looked at the two of them. Especially Lucy. She doesn't have a knowing smile all right, which definitely was a smirk.

He knew that it happened so fast. Hell, he already admitted it to himself several times. He met Nina just last night, got a talk with her this morning and bam! He's now going home with her.

For Nina to trust a man, to trust him that fast, despite the fears and trauma she'd been through was definitely priceless. He'll never, ever, break that trust. Just thinking about it made his heart crumble to pieces and made him howl his pain to the universe like a wounded wolf. No, he'll never do that. He has a new priority now and that's Nina.

Nina made his way to him and he opened he passenger door for her. He heard her say thank you before slipping in. He closed the door before turning around and wave to the others and made his way to his side.

"Ready?" He asked Nina with a smile. He saw the hesitation in her moves.

Rey's hand shot forward on its own accord, wanting to reach Nina. He only had enough time to stop himself from reaching her.

"Don't worry. You'll be okay. I promise." He seriously and sincerely said. It seemed like he already lost count on how many times he promised her. He intended to keep all of them.

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