Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The old lady introduced herself as Sylvia, the shelter's manager. She asked for her name and for other information, but Nina could only give her name and her age.

"I'm 26." She said. That's only the real thing she knew, nothing else.

Sylvia just looked at her, understanding, and then nodded. "Welcome Nina. Come on, let's take a tour." Sylvia carefully approached her, afraid that she'll frighten her.

Nina just stood there suddenly conscious of what other people would do. Ever since she got out of the club, she'd been conscious on other people's actions especially towards her. She has been easily frightened ever since, knowing that any stranger that she'd meet may be the one Frank sent to kill TVher. That was why she tried everything she could to stay inconspicuous everywhere she went. She only spoke to someone if she really had to, otherwise she shied away of other people.

That was why, no matter how safe she felt inside the shelter and in the company of Sylvia, it was still hard for her to trust her. She needed a definite proof that she could truly trust Sylvia.

So when Sylvia approached her, obvious on her intent to take her arm and guide her, she instinctively stepped back. Sylvia saw her action and she understood. She dropped her hand and instead gesture Nina to follow her.

Nina trailed behind Sylvia as they passed the lobby and into the shelter's premises. The lobby was intelligently separated to the main quarters where women like her settled. In that way, they were prevented from prying eyes.

A minute passed and they reached the living room of the shelter. The room was huge. It was filled with several couches, some of them occupied by some women watching the television in front of the couch. Some was strategically placed for some quiet conversations and games. Chess boards, Scrabble, Monopoly and thousands of books and CD's where scattered all over the room, giving people some entertainment.

"This is the living area. The ladies come here often to find some enjoyment with each other." Sylvia explained while gesturing towards the room. At the sound of her voice, the ladies currently present on the room turned their heads towards their direction and silently yet respectfully greeted Sylvia.

"Hi Sylvia. Good evening." They all said. Sylvia greeted them cheerfully, the love for the ladies obvious on her face. Nina stood stuck-still behind her, not wanting to draw attention. Of course, she failed.

She saw how, one by one, the ladies turned their gazes in her. Gazes full of questions, pity, understanding, and heart-felt welcome. Knowing just how she felt at that moment, the ladies just gave her a nod or a timid smile.

Sylvia turned her attention to me and introduced me to the women. "Ladies, this is Nina. She just arrived awhile ago. Help her feel at home, okay?" She announced.

They all nodded their approval in unison. One of them, a petite brunette answered on her medium pitch and soothing voice. She seemed like in her mid-30s though her skinned sagged on her arms and cheeks making her looked like two times older than her age. Nina wondered why as she looked at the woman.

She stepped forward from the group and introduced herself. "Welcome Nina. I'm Sarah. We'll make sure you'll be okay here." She promised. One by one, the others followed Sarah's example and introduced themselves.

One was name Heidi, a cute chubby woman that showed a pair of dimples whenever she smiles. She looked a cheerful person so Nina was intrigued why she was in a shelter. Another was Anna, a beautiful young blonde that seemed so she, she could hardly hear her voice when she spoke. The remaining ten made their introductions and Nina felt herself starting to get dizzy at the overwhelming emotions at the moment. She could hardly paid them attention much less remember their names. It seemed that her body, finally feeling safe, decided to get their payment for over-exhaustion.

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