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Warning!Things might go by quickly.I want to finish this FF soon.Hehe sorry 


Busan..I almost feel like I'm going to cry.Its been years since I last went here. I called a taxi and drove to the apartment I booked while on the train.

As we were driving I looked outside to see the person I wanted the most...Somi.


I driver immediately stopped and turned over to me.Before he could open his mouth I opened the door and ran out.


I said breathing heavily.


She seemed scared.She took a few steps back which made me step more towards her.


 I turned my head to see a guy who looks older than me.

"Who are you and why are you speaking to my girlfriend?!"

I looked at him shocked


"Yeah!You heard me!"

I looked over at Somi heart-brokered.What?Why?She lied..

"Well I'm sorry sir.She is my wife!"



We both staired at Somi with wide eyes.

"Is this true Jagiya?"

"I'll explain later but for now, Jungkook, Please leave.I don't want to see you again..."

By now my heart was burning.It stung like a bitćh.

"I'll get you back Somi..and by the way, I missed you.."

I said before walking away..


"So uh care to explain?"

I looked over at him before nodded and spilling out everything.


I nodded looking down.We were currently at my apartment.While I was explaining, we were walking home.

"I'm sorry youngjae.."

"It's ok.."


Something about this Jungkook boy makes me feel something.The words he said kept replaying in my mind "I'll get you back Somi...and by the way, I miss you"

Judging by his facial expression and words, he seems to really mean it.The dark circles around his eyes stood out a lot.His face was pale and his lips were purple as Somi went to take a bathroom break, I quickly reached for her phone and unlocked it.Yes, I know her code..I searched for the name Jungkook.

"UGHHH!!Where is it?!"


I looked over to see Somi.

"Ah sorry"

"What are you doing with my phone?"

"I-I -"

"Spill it"

"Jungkook's number.Please?"



After minutes which seemed like years, she finally gave it to me.

Y- Lets meet up

J-who is this?

Y-youngjae, The guy you saw today

J-How did you get this number?

Y-Somi, anyways, you free man?

J-uh, yeah?

Y-ok lets meet up now at _______park

Right after I sent that text I told Somi I'll be leaving.

"Bye bye Jagiya~"

"Mmm, Buh bai oppa"

I left the apartment and to my surprise, Jungkook's house was right beside Somi's apartment.

"Well this is easy."

"Haha, Yeah"

"Let's go?"

"Sure kook"


We arrived at the park and sat down at the bench under the night sky.We talked and talked.To be honest, He ain't a bad guy.He told me his part of the story and the feels hit me dude.We got to know eachother and we were getting pretty close.Surpising right?Shhh little one, I'm shook as well.

"All I want to do now is to have her back..But it seems impossible the fact she's with you now"

I felt guilty for some reason.What it sounds like is she means a lot to him.A part of me says to let her go, The other part says for me to keep her.Dont get me wrong, Somi is 100% Girlfriend material, no joke.

After sometime we went home.

(554 words, unedited)

I'm sorry Somi

Hey everyone!Sorry for the wait and short chapter.I just wanted to say thank you for all the support!I reached over 150 followers and around 3k on this FF!Love you all!!muwah~ 😂 Happy Valentine's Day also!Shout out to the lonely ones, I feel you.

11:11. ➳ j.j.k Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat