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I woke up to the biggest headache ever.After what happened last night I've been getting lots headaches.Yesterday Arin also slept over.I was kicked out of the room and had to sleep somewhere else.You probably thought I slept in the living room but no, I did not.Instead Jungkook locked me up in a closet to sleep.Even worse since I was afraid of the dark it was scary ;3; This morning I had to make breakfast 3 times over again because Arin is a facking bitch and it's not greatful.

I'm not walking to school with a headache.My vision was blurry and it hurt like hell.


I looked back to see Jimin oppa running towards me.He was running so fast he bumped into me.Whatever, At least I should be greatful I have Jiminie :3

"Oh, hey"

He smiled and slung his arms around my shoulder.

"Let's walk to school together!"

I nodded and we walked to school.The walk was quite, Jimin decided to break it

"Somi, something seems off.Are you ok?Why are you so quite?"

I looked at him and shook my head

"Ah really?Its nothing don't worry, it's just a headache"

He looked at me worried

"Do you want me to bring you to the nurses off-

"Jimin oppa, I'm fine it's ok"

He smiled at me worried and we kept walking.We both went inside the school and went in different directions.I closed my locker and walked to class.I suddenly got dragged into the janitors room.My back was slammed onto the wall.I groned in pain as I look up...Arin..

"What do you want Arin?"

I say glaring at her.She smirked and grabbed a large chunk of my hair and slammed my head on the wall at least 5 times.

"Just wanted to teach you a lesson"

I chucked at her and threw her hand off of me.

"A lesson? The one needing one is you"

She growled and kicked me on the leg causing me to fall.

"Fück you, Who said you can get close with my oppa?!HUH?!"

I started laughing.Oppa?Oppa?!

"Bitch please, Your 8 months older than him and you call him oppa.This is to funny"

She was about to speak but nothing came out.She just groned and I looked at her with a smirk of accomplishment.She than ran out of the room.I was about to go out as well but she locked it.I struggled to try to break the lock but nothing worked.UGHHHH!!!I screamed and kicked the door trying to see if someone will come save me.My back slid down the floor.Fück my life..I thought before closing my eyes..



I yell running through the halls.Its currently lunch time and I can't find her anywhere!I see people looking at me wiredly but that does not bother me, the only thing on my mind is Somi.I searched everywhere but she is nowhere to be seen!I stopped running panting as I put my hands on my knees.


I turned around to see Jungkook running towards me

"Hyung, why are you running?"

I grabbed his shoulders and shook him



"YEAH!You know her right?Long black hair and pretty?"

"O-oh she went home cause she was not feeling well.."

"REALLY?!I should go to her house and Che-"


I looked at Jungkook wiredly

"Why no?"


I paused for a bit and grabbed my arm

"Let's go eat lunch"

"What about S-"

Before I could finish the sentence she dragged me to the canteen.Something seems off..

HERLLO BOOTAYFUL!You like dis chapter?No?Yes?Idk?Ok anyways sorry for not updating I'm a long time.Stupid school, homework not letting me write ;-; I really hope the work dies down and I could at least write a chapter everyday or every other day.Butt since I don't have much to say I'll guess I'll get going now.BUH BOI!

11:11. ➳ j.j.k حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن