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Our honeymoon was over, We flew back to Seoul.We got checked in and got our stuff.


We both turned over to see the rest of BTS.I ran over to them and hugged each and everyone

"Aww, hey guys!"

I hugged the last member which was Namjoonie before getting pulled away by Jungkook.

"Can you stop!You look like you haven't seen them in years.Your embarrassing them.."

I crossed my arms pouting while glaring at him.bich..

"Ok, Let's not fight and get into the van"

Jin said.We all walked over to the van and put our luggages int the trunk.I allowed all the members to go in before me.When the last member came in there was no space.All of the seats were taken

"Uh, Eomma Jin..There's no more space.."


The back row which consists of the maknae line tried to make room..But nope..

" I could just get in the trunk guys, It's fine..hehe"

"SomSom you can just sit on my la-"

Jimin said but was caught off my Jungkook

"UGH!Just get in the trunk!!"

"Ok, geez.."

I said putting both hands up.I closed the door and opened the trunk.I climbed in and layer down at the very back (you know what I mean?No?Mkay..) 

"Are you ok in their SomSom?"

I heard Hobi say.I yelled back with a simple 'YES' .Jin started the car and some of the luggages fell on me.


I moved the baggage off to the side.I looked around and spotted a Fluffy red pillow, a red blanket and a jumbo pikachu plushie.They wouldn't mind if I use it..right?

I grabbed the stuff and put the pillow under my head, Blanket around me and hugged the plushie..Hehe, It's soft..oh smells nice too.


15 mins into the ride my eyes became heavy.I snuggled into the plushie more before falling into a deep slumber.


After 45 mins, They finally arrived at there destination, aka Jungkook's and Somi's house.The Hyung line went in first leaving the maknae line with the luggages.They opened the door and took out the luggages before Spoting Somi.

"OH MY GOD!Look at lil Somsom!She's so coot!"

Jungkook rolled his eyes at his Hyungs before noticing she was using HIS pillow, plushie and blanket.He quickly pulled his stuff off of her.Since the pillow was under her head and he pulled it out, her head hit the ground of the trunk



I got up to see the boys standing there.Jungkook glaring at me while hugging his stuff and the rest glaring at Jungkook.I climbed out of the trunk and bowed to Jungkook

"Sorry I used your stuff Kookie, I didn't know it was yours"

I said in a cute sleepy voice.I look my luggage out of Taehyung's Grib and went inside the house.


A couple of months past, Everything was back to normal..I was in my room thinking about life before something clicked in my head

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