Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Chapter Thirty-Seven

Preston had to hitchhike his way back to Chicago. He regretted paying some college chick to drive Mitch's car back to his house. The police could've found him if he kept driving around in it. He wishes they found him.

He wished a lot of things.

He wished he never sold that ring. He wished he never had sex with Jack. He wished he never crushed his phone. He wished he could give that old man his money back.

Preston wished he never left home.

He walked up the steps and onto the porch, sighing heavily. It had to be almost ten in the morning, he wasn't sure anyone would be here. He knocked on the door hoping for an answer. Then he knocks again. That's when the door opens.

"What do- Preston!?" It was Vik, his eyes were wide and a smile spread across his face like wildfire.

Before he knew it, Vik sprung himself at Preston. Hugging him so tightly Preston almost fell backwards.

"I smell terrible," Preston managed through a gasp, and Vik laughed as he released him from his grip.

"Aahhh, I'm so happy to see you! Oh my god, come inside! Make yourself at home, I could make you some coffee, or tea but now that I think about it we don't have any tea."

Preston smiled, stepping inside when Vik opened the door for him. He dropped his backpack at the bottom of the stairs, and went to couch for a long deserved relaxation in the sofa crease. As he leaned against the arm of the couch, he could here Vik talking about something like they had pizza last night and cold pizza is really great. Preston had to agree on that, cold pizza made a good late-night snack.

Vik reappeared a minute later with a bowl of chips in one had and what looked like a glass of Gatorade in the other. "I figure you're hungry, we actually have real Cheetos this week, they were on sale! I didn't know if you were thirsty so I got you some fruit punch... I suppose I could've asked you, oh well, too late now."

"Thanks, Vik."

"I'm gonna have to call Jerome... And the police." He said awkwardly, not wanting to upset Preston.

"I figured."

"Right. Okay." Vik speed-walked back into the kitchen, where the phone was, Preston guessed.

Preston closed his eyes, turning to his side. He couldn't tell if he was intentionally eavesdropping or if Vik was just a loud talker. Probably a little bit of both.

"Hi Jerome, yeah I know your boss doesn't like us calling you during your shift but it's.. It's important." Vik said into the phone.

"No, Rob didn't get suspended again. No, I didn't get my hand stuck in one of the dining room chairs.. No, Ruby is- Jerome can you just stop talking?" He heard Vik sigh loudly, "Preston is home. I'm not lying! What am I supposed to do with him? Okay.. Got it, see you soon. Bye."

Vik enters the room, clearly trying to act casual, calm, and collected. Preston looks up at him curiously, waiting for Vik to say what's going on.

"Jerome will be here soon."

Preston sighs, resting his head back down on the arm of the couch.

"What'd you do? You were gone a long time.."

"Stupid things."

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