Chapter Twenty-Four

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Chapter Twenty-Four

Lachlan blinked his eyes open, reaching a hand up to block the sunlight filtering in through the hole in the blinds. They really needed to get new ones; they'd broken a couple slats off when Lachlan crashed Preston's shoulder hard into the window last week. He grinned at the memory, remembering what came next. Now the light filtering in woke him every morning before his alarm had a chance to go off, but it had been worth it.

Sighing, he glanced down to see Preston splayed out half on top of him with his face buried in his neck, pinning his arm underneath his body. The light never woke him, probably because he was smart enough to keep his eyes pressed into Lachlan's skin. He nearly always woke to Preston's heavy weight pressing him into the bed, skin stuck together with sweat in every place they touched.

Lachlan smiled, stroking his free hand over Preston's hair. He couldn't say he minded. Pressing a kiss to his temple, he made an attempt to rouse him.


He snuffled, pressing his face in closer and wrapping his arm tighter around Lachlan's waist.

"Preston," He tried again. "Move the fuck over, my arm's asleep."

Preston groaned, raising his head slowly to place a series of soft kisses along his neck. "Not like you need it."

Lachlan laughed, stroking his hand down Preston's back slowly, watching him stretch to follow the heat as it moved down his spine. "Kind of like having two arms, actually."

Preston sighed, shifting so he was fully on top of Lachlan and releasing his arm. "I guess they do have their uses."

Lachlan shook out the pinpricks as Preston settled again, tangling their legs together and moving to connect their lips. Lachlan reared back slightly, raising a brow.

"Think you're just diving in, morning breath and all, huh?"

Huffing, Preston held Lachlan's face still with his hands. "Like you care."

Lachlan smiled as Preston pressed their lips together again, opening his mouth to let his tongue inside with his. The taste was a little sour, but Preston was right-he didn't really give a fuck. He'd take Preston any way he could, anytime.

Lachlan pulled back a couple minutes later, grabbing Preston's hips to still his movements where he was rubbing against him.

"What?" Preston asked breathlessly.

"Pills," Lachlan said.

He frowned, pushing up onto his elbows. "You're thinking about my meds right now?"

Lachlan reached up to peck his lips, trying to bring the smile back. "Not really, but you gotta take 'em in a minute anyway, just go now and we can get back to it."

"You haven't even looked at the time, how do you-" Preston was cut off by the shriek of his phone alarm.

Lachlan quirked a brow. "Guess my internal clock is better than yours."

Preston scowled, sitting up and grabbing his sweatpants from the ground. "You don't have to remind me every morning. I can handle it myself."

"I know," Lachlan agreed quickly, wanting to side-step the familiar argument. "Just hurry up so you can come back and get on me."

Preston's lips quirked at that, and Lachlan felt his shoulders loosen in relief. He hated that fight-no one ever came out the winner.

"You're so needy."

"Uh huh, says the guy who's been on top of me all night."

Preston smiled, leaning down to run a hand over Lachlan's face and give him a firm kiss. "Guess we both are. Be right back."

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