Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

Lachlan and happiness were about as synonymous as Darth Vadar and sunshine. He didn't have a happy life—he had come to terms with that. He could probably count on one hand all the times he had been truly happy in his life, and he could guarantee you that there was one common factor in each of those moments—Preston.

Lachlan was sitting at the kitchen table waiting for Preston to get back from work. It was his first day back, since he had gotten his medicine regulated. They had argued about Preston going back to work for weeks. Lachlan felt like Preston was throwing his future down the drain if he didn't go back to Stanford. Preston would say he didn't want to be a lawyer anymore, but that wasn't true. He was scared to be away from Lachlan, he was the only one who could calm him down whenever he had a relapse and Preston knew Lachlan would never leave the kids no matter how much he loved him.

He impatiently drummed his fingers against the table as Jerome came down the stairs.

"What's with you?" He asked him heading to the fridge. He was on his way to work, but Lachlan knew he wanted to see Preston after work too.

"Nothing," Lachlan said as his eyes darted between Jerome and the front door. He didn't know why he was nervous, but letting Preston out of his sight was becoming harder and harder.

Jerome gave him a look that screamed bullshit as he pulled a beer out of the fridge and handed it to Lachlan sitting next to him at the table.

"He's gonna be alright," Jerome said as he awkwardly patted his hand resting on the table.

He opened the beer and took a sip noticing that his hands were shaking a little and when did he become such a damn girl.

The front door opened and in came Preston, Rob, and Jess all laughing and smiling. Lachlan's breath caught a little in his throat at the look of pure elation on Preston's face. He didn't think he'd ever get tired of seeing his smile.

He stood up from the table, but didn't really know what to do with himself so he just stood there like an idiot.

"Hey," Preston came up to him and kissed him. He deepened the kiss a little and then pulled away as he felt a blush spread across his neck.

"Preston and Lachlan sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Jess started singing.

"Aren't you too fucking old for stupid shit like that?" Lachlan called after her as she bounded her way up the stairs. He couldn't keep the smile off of his face though as he looked up at Preston who was looking at him like he had hung the moon or stars or some shit like that.


"Nothing." Preston shook his head a little before picking up Lachlan's beer and taking a long swig, then sitting down.

"So how was it?" Lachlan sat down at the table next to Preston.

"It was alright. Kind of dumb. I feel like fucking dumbass, but I think it will be okay," Preston smiled at Lachlan. "Missed ya."

"I missed you too."

Jerome cleared his throat behind them and they jumped a little forgetting that he was there. "Sorry. I gotta get to work. You good with getting dinner?" He asked Preston as he stood up and nodded.

"We're all good here. Have fun." He gave him a lingering hug that just made Lachlan smile down at the table. He took another drink of the beer to hide it away.

Jerome yelled bye at them as he rushed out of the house, making sure he wouldn't be late.

"You wanna watch something?" Lachlan asked already making his way to the living room. He dropped onto the couch and turned on the TV as Preston came sauntering into the room. He plopped next to Lachlan purposefully draping one leg over his legs. Lachlan quirked an eyebrow at him, but did nothing to shove him off.

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