Chapter 14

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In the limo I refused to make eye contact and distracted myself by constantly straightening out my dress. When we pulled up I was expecting some big fancy restaurant place.


It was an unoccupied park. I looked around as I stepped out of the limo and looked at Mori. He looked at me and smiled.

"Come on." he said.

I walked with him confused as he started walking through a small path in the woods. There were trees on either side of the path with lanterns strung along. As we got farther down the path I was requested to be blindfolded.

He held my hand and placed his other hand on my shoulder to navigate me. I smiled as I felt him starting to untie the blind.

There was a small cabin also covered in lanterns and it was along the edge of a large lake. There were quite a few pines around the cabin and even a dock.

"How did you find this place?" I gawked.

He shrugged and hid any emotion that wanted to surface, classic Mori.

He brought me inside, I decided to look around while he was grabbing things out of a cabinet. There were 4 rooms in all, 2 bedrooms, a bathroom, and a room with a living\kitchen area. When I went back to the kitchen Mori had on an apron and was preparing to cook something.

"What are you making?" I asked as I attempted to try and look over his shoulder, I watched him glance at me.

"F/F" he stated as he went about still grabbing things he needed.

I internally started doing my happy dance, he remembered!!

After a bit it was finished we started to eat, in a comfortable silence. I took the time to admire his features while he want paying attention. We both finished and Mori grabbed my hand.

"I want to show you something."

We walked out and sat on the dock, the sun was starting to set, an the orange glow started to fade into night. That was when he pointed towards the lake, at first I didn't notice anything, then I saw the faint little glows dancing over the lake.

The fireflies had come out and we watched them, soon there was music playing. It was my favorite slow song. He stood up and held out his hand for me, I timidly took it.

"I don't know how to dance..." I started.

He actually smirked and lifted me up onto his feet.

"Follow my lead" he had said...

I knew I heard that from somewhere, it was so familiar. Suddenly I remembered from that dance so many months ago with the mystery dancer.


He's my mystery partner...

At first, putting two and two together was hard to believe because the guy from that night was bold and talkative and almost the opposite of Mori. But when I started thinking gore about it, it made more sense.

I went along with it smiling like an idiot. I knew now that I was definitely falling for him. When the song was coming to an end, he twirled and dipped me, he held me close and started to lean in. I felt the butterflies explode inside me and leaned in too. He stopped about an inch away,

"Can I kiss you?" I nodded and connected our lips. When he asked I almost lost it. He was so polite even in an intimate situation such as this.

Our lips moved in synch and lasted a few seconds, but felt like it lasted a lifetime. We pulled away and I smiled as did he, I couldn't stop grinning and trued biting my lip to prevent it but had no such luck.

"Will you go out with me?" he asked.

I nodded happily and spun us both around giggling some more. The night was getting dark and that was when the fireflies really started to glowing. We sat at the dock again with our hands intertwined as we watched them and the stars that had also started to show better.

There were some extremely bright ones and some other dims ones, there was one that I thought was green and red but soon realized that it was an airplane. Which I pointed out to Mori and he just laughed at me.

We had made our own sundaes as dessert after dancing and such, that explains why Mori has chocolate syrup on his forehead. I laughed a little loud and to top it off he had the funniest clueless face ever.

I wiped away the chocolate and pecked his cheek.

"I had a lot of fun tonight, its been a while since I've had nearly this much fun." I said sincerely.

He nodded. "Me too... so what do you say we go on another one?" he asked.

I looked at him and smiled nodding fast. After we finished we walked back to the limo that he had called halfway down the trail. In the ride I hummed to myself looking out the window with Mori's hand in mine.

He walked me to my door and we just stood there staring and smiling and blushing. Then I finally pecked his cheek again.

"I really did have fun and I look forward to next time." I smile as he blushes deeply.

"Yeah, it would be my pleasure." he said.

He kissed me again on the lips before smiling and leaving. I giggled as his limo disappeared into the darkness and did a little happy dance before going inside. No one was awake by the sound of it so I went to my room and screeched.

Frost was sitting in my room... on my bed... in my pajamas?

I only had one thing to say to him.

"What the fuck?" I asked/stated.

He glanced up at me from the magazine he had been reading.

"I can explain." he said.

"Oh you can and will."

Hey guys part two

Alsooooo 1.24K????

Guys this fic sucks why would you reward me for trash?? XD

Thanks guys even though I don't deserve it!!

Anyways, comment ideas, tell me what you think.

And I'll see you guys next time


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