Chapter 8

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I waited.

And waited.

But the pain never came, the burning sting and loud clapping noise never occurred.

I looked up and stared as Mori held my father's arm away from me. Honey stood between me and my dad with his arms crossed over his chest, for once he looked serious and intimidating.

"Hitting people isn't nice, especially if it's your own daughter. F/N hasn't done anything to you." he didn't use 'chan' after my name, it didn't sound so sweet either...

My dad looked shocked as Mori kept a firm grip on him. Honey looked at me innocently. "F/N-chan, I think you should have a sleepover with me and Takashi!" I nodded hesitantly as my father screamed profanities at me. I clenched my teeth and gripped my fists harder as I heard everything he screamed. I packed in my room by myself, tearing up and wanting to cry. After I finished, I grabbed my things and headed out to the limo Honey had called for. Originally for Mori and himself. Mori was going to hold away my dad until me and Honey got in the limo.

I sat in the limo, finding a loose string on the seat suddenly the most interesting at the time. I worried more as I realized they could start fighting and I knew very well that my dad wouldn't have the slightest chance.

The limo door opens and the seat shifts, Mori sat next to me. I hadn't realized I actually started crying until Mori lifted my head by placing both hands on my cheeks gently, and wiping away my tears. I didn't care what happened anymore, I needed someone so I hugged Mori and silently cried.

He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and traced small patterns on my back, it was actually pretty soothing. I calmed myself down so I could speak.

"I-I'm sorry." I stuttered out after resulting to minor hiccups and sniffles.

"It's ok, I understand." He replied quietly. I stared out the window as Mori continued to hold me. He'd quiet me down again when I'd start to cry, he'd hum when I was quiet, I think he tried getting me to sleep, if it wasn't then it worked anyways.

Honey's Pov

I smiled at F/N and Mori.

They would be cute together.

What I didn't understand is why it hasn't happened yet? What was Mori scared of? Or F/N for that matter. They're both nice people, why would they be afraid at all?

I watched as her eyes became heavy and she soon fell asleep.

"Do you like her Takashi?" I whispered.

His eyes widened a little but he didn't use any gesture of no, so I continued to giggle.

"It's ok if you do, I won't tell anyone." I held a finger to my lips and smiled.

Mori POV

"It's ok if you do, I won't tell anyone." He smiled while holding a finger to his lips, he soon started dozing off as well. Then he was asleep.

I blushed and smiled, a real smile, at F/N's sleeping figure. She was beautiful and I did like her, very much, I just don't know if I'm good enough for her. And how was I supposed know if she even felt the same?

When we arrived, I nudged Honey and he woke up yawning. I carried F/N to one of the guest rooms. Honey sleepily placed her bag at the bottom of the bed on the ground. She wouldn't let go as I tried placing her down.

"Mitskuni." I whispered and started to panic a bit. F/N mumbled something in her sleep then went back to being quiet.

"Yeah Takashi?" He was taking off her shoes.

"Help." I whispered again, he looked up smiling mischievously, he rubbed his eyes as he left the room.

I sighed. I gave up on getting her off without waking her so I laid down next to her. She almost immediately curled into my chest. I listened to her soft breaths and heartbeat which put me to sleep.

~Time Skip ~

Your POV

I woke up with the sun shining in my face. I tried sitting up and found an oddly strong and... warm... restraint across my waist.

It was Mori!

I stared and realized that his arm was slightly pulling up my uniform jacket, exposing some skin. I forgot that I didn't change.

He shifted a little and yawned, he was awake. I quickly closed my eyes and evened out my breath as much as I could.

I was able to partially open one of my eyes to see him, he was staring at me and smiling but... is that a blush I see??

He looked away and I opened my eyes fully and sat up, I must've startled him since he jumped and looked at me wide eyed.

"Uh, morning." I said weakly.

"Good morning." He replied and stood up, he was in his uniform too. I felt cold as he stood up so I grabbed his blankets and wrapped them around me only leaving my face left to see. He chuckled a little and then Honey ran in with little button-up pajamas.

"Good morning F/N-CHAN!!" He almost screamed. He hugged the blanket blob I was in and I giggled along with him.

The memories of last night hit me like a truck. My mood drop seemed noticeable the other too as the atmosphere felt dreary.

"Hey guys... Do you think you can take me home?" I asked quietly.

Honey let go of me and I took the blanket off so I was taken seriously. He looked at me with an angry and confused face.

"Why? He almost hurt you, it's not safe at your home." He said.

"My moms still there... and... you know he's still my dad, I love him. His mistakes don't define him." I tried coming up with a good reason for them to bring me back there.

Mori looked deep in thought and didn't have his normal stoic face. Honey just looked concerned.

"What if he tries again, to hurt you? We won't be there to save you or help... We don't want you hurt..." I sighed.

"I know but I have to, if I don't they'll get worried or it'll just make him more angry. I'm ok guys, I'll make sure to have you on speed dial or something." I weakly smile and run a hand through my hair.

We get in the limo they had prepared while we ate breakfast silently, it was tense, but silent.

When we arrived, we agreed that I'd text them if the area was safe and that it's finally time to have the conversation of getting help for my dad.

I walked up to the door.

Well... Here goes nothing...

I opened the door...

Hey guys! I'm extremely sorry this is late.
I was so busy with school work and friends problems and just life.

My friends told me I need a boyfriend or girlfriend because I told them I've never had my first kiss XD

Anyways, next chapter will be up ON TIME on Friday.

Question: who watches Yuri!! on Ice?

Answer (for me): yeahhhh the gay is real ^u^

Anyways, goodbye!! See you Friday!!


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