Chapter 24

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"Marlee if this is about you and Carter then I already know." She had a shocked look on her face.
"Wha- how?" She still had her mouth hanging open.
"I don't know I just do, but I can get you to stay at the palace. Trust me." I pulled her through the hallways with me to Maxon's office. I knocked on the door with Marlee still behind me. He yelled come in.
I walked in pulling Marlee and instantly started talking.
"Maxon, its urgent. We have a problem. You see, two people have fallen in love but their love is forbidden and they want to stay together but one of them is staying away and she is also my best friend." He looked so confused. "I don't understand." I rolled my eyes.
"Ugh. Marlee and this guard named Carter Woodwork fell in love but now she's being sent away. Can we keep her here. Please? She's my best friend." He nodded his head.
"Of course we can but she'll need to be undercover as a maid until I end the Selection. Which will be this Friday by the way." He said. Marlee and I were jumping up and down, ecstatic.
"I get to stay!"
"You get to stay!" Maxon cleared his throat making us stop jumping.
"Ladies, I hate to break this up but Marlee, can I talk to America alone?" She nodded.
"Bye, America!" Marlee said practically jumping out of the door.
"What is it that you needed?" I asked Maxon, walking over to his desk. He pushed back his chair a little bit and relaxed his posture.
"Nothing I just wanted to talk to my beautiful fiancé." He grabbed my hands and pulled me on this lap.
"And I wanted to tell you that you looked beautiful this morning." He kissed my cheek and my jaw and all the way to the sweet spot behind my ear. I turned my head just in time to catch his lips against my own. The kiss began slow but became deeper. He turned me to where my chest was pressed against his. Slowly, he got up and sat me on the desk. With him standing and me sitting, we could easily kiss. His hands found the way to my lower back and mine found their way to his hair. We stayed that was until he picked me up again but this time bridal style.
"My love, I want to give you a bed, not a desk," he whispered into my ear.
He opened up a hidden door to a room that I knew was not his.
"It's like a safe room. Only more comfortable than a normal one." He sat me down on the bed and turned on the lights. It was much bigger than expected. It looked a lot like a hotel room and with a mini kitchen only no windows.
"It's cozy." I said. He shut the door and walked over to me. He put both arms by my side and put his face in front of mine.
"I love you." He said.
"I love you too." I replied. His lips connected with mine and I slowly leaned back with him hovering me. He kissed down my neck and my collarbone and along the lines of my dress. He was still standing on the ground and I was laying down on the bed. He pulled away and pulled his shirt over his head in one fluid motion and threw it across the room. He went down to kiss me again but I turned my head.
"Wait. If you want to do this I want the Selection over by tomorrow . I can't wait any longer. Tomorrow is Tuesday. We can have a special report tonite and then do something elaborate tomorrow but I want it
over." I was practically begging now.
"Okay. It'll be over by tomorrow. I swear. I love you." He put his lips against mine again. This kiss was much softer than the others. I needed more of him.
"You're breaking a lot of rules, Miss Singer."
"You're the prince. You can just pardon me."
He chuckled darkly, his lips at my throat, my ear, my cheek. I ran my hand lightly down his stomach, admiring how strong he was, and when my hands got to his belt, I gripped it and pulled it back down. He came willingly, resting his hand on my thigh under my dress.
Just as he was about to lean in for another kiss a loud crash happened outside the door. Maxon ran over to the door and bolted and locked everything he could.
"Maxon what was that?" I asked panicked. He ran his fingers through his hair.
"I don't know, America. It might be rebels but it could possibly be something different." He took one look at my ruffled attire and laughed. I blushed red. He walked over to me and tipped my chin up.
"You're adorable when you blush, you know that?" His eyes looked like milk chocolate balls and I just wanted to eat them. I hadn't realized how hungry I was until now.
"Maxon, we didn't eat lunch. Is there any food in here?" He nodded and motioned towards the counter.
"In the cabinet right there." He motioned to the bottom left one and I pulled out two packets of chicken Ramen Noodles.
"Perfect!" I crushed them up, put water in the bowl and put them in the microwave for three and a half minutes. Once they were done Maxon and I ate them i peace.
"Maxon, will everybody be okay?" He nodded his head.
"I'm sure." He gave me a smile and we went back to eating.
Once we were done, Maxon put the bowls in the sink but froze when I wrapped my arms around his waist from behind. He turned around and hugged me back. I tipped my head up and puckered my lips. He puckered his too and kissed me.
We spent the rest of the time in the safe room kissing and holding each other.
I know this is a crappy chapter but it's almost a thousand words so... yay?

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