Chapter 10

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Friday 8 weeks pregnant
Friday morning the papers screamed 'IS QUEEN AMERICA PREGNANT?!'
and ' PREGNANT! Are the Queen and King expecting their first child?'
I never did like the Report very much, but as queen I had to be present for it.
I was laying in bed, drinking tea, and reading the paper, when Maxon rolled over and kissed my stomach.
"Good morning, my dear. How are you feeling?" Gladly, I haven't a thrown up in two days thanks to the pills Doctor Ansel gave me.
"I'm fine, thank you. But I feel like punching you in the face for calling me 'your dear',"I said sarcastically. "Look at these papers," I handed one to him. "I guess you were right. They did need something to talk about." His eyes were wide with shock.
"I think I like the picture better than the headlines," he smirked, pulling me closer with his free arm, and kissed me. Just as I wrapped my arms around his neck, a guard came bursting through the doors," Your Majesties, rebels. RUN!" With that Maxon scooped me up in his arms and carried me to the closet at the back of the room. The guard was following us, and as we made our way into the closet he shut the door behind us with a loud bang.
"Maxon why are we in the closet?" I asked.
"Because there is a safe room that nobody knows about. Well excluding you two." He typed in a passcode on a hidden panel and a door opened. He scooped me up and ran down the long, dark stairwell.
I never knew how many passages led to the Royal safe room, but apparently this one did.
When we got there, nobody else was there. It was eerily quiet and I did not like that. I went over to a cot and laid down, resting my head on the hard pillow. Sleep came three minutes later.
When I woke up, I was still on the cot. Maxon was laying on the one beside me and the guard was standing at the door. I got up and went to go lay on Maxon's cot with him. When I curled up next to him he wrapped his arms around me, and I fell asleep once again.
The second time I woke up, I looked at Maxon's watch. Ten minutes until ten o'clock. Morning or night? I wondered.
"Sir, how long have we been here?" I asked the guard.
"Three hours, my Queen," he said. I was still in my nightgown and robe, and when he looked at me, I pulled the robe closer to me. 'Man, he gives me the creeps' I said to myself. I went and laid down by Maxon.
Just as I laid down, the guard's phone rang.
"Umhm...yes...okay...ill have them up there in five minutes," he hung up the phone and turned towards us. "Your Majesties, the rebels are gone now. You're both needed in the advisory room." I nodded and shook Maxon awake.
"Maxon. Maxon wake up. The rebels are all gone. We have to go." He mumbled something into the pillow, and tilled over onto his backside.
"Give me five more minutes please," his voice was heavy with sleep and his hair was a mess. "No we cant do that. We are both needed in the advisory room. I don't know what for, but we have to go," I said, pulling him upright.
"Fiiiine. But only because you're making me. And because we have an announcement to make later," he wiggled his eyebrows at me and I slapped his arms.
"Do we have to. I'm too tired to get up. And I want to keep them a secret for as long a possible." I informed.
"Yes we do because if you keep getting bigger," he poked my stomach," we will get in trouble if we don't tell them. And we don't want the happening. Do we?" He grabbed my chin, pulled me closer to him, and kissed me.
The guard cleared his throat. I forgot he was in here!" Uh...erm... Y'all are needed in the advisory room right away. I'll escort you," I guess he was just a really awkward guy.
"No need for that. We can find the way ourselves." With that we went and headed off to the meeting.
When we got to the advisory room everyone was yelling at each other.
"HEY! What's going on?!" Maxon yelled and the whole room just stopped moving.
Aspen came up to us and went in for a hug, but I moved away before he could reach me. I looked at Maxon and he had a smirk on his face. He snaked an arm around my waist and kissed my cheek. I kissed him back on the lips.
"What is it that I making everyone go insane, Leger?" Maxon asked, looking at him with a face that read 'She's mine, so back off '.
"We just revived word that more than half of Carolina has been burned. All but one of Queen America's family members were caught in the fire, and don't make it out."
Everything goes black.
I re-wrote this chapter because I realized that when I published it it wasn't totally finished. So I had to finish it. Sorry about that. Stay weird✌🏻️

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