Chapter 20

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For the past two days I had been in my house glued to the couch. Like usual, nothing was on the television so I stuck with a good book instead. I was only two chapters into this book, the third one in the series, and she was already trying to seduce him! This is so not like this character, but I think she was just trying to get his attention. A knock on my door broke me out of my thoughts.
"Mom? Moooooooom will you get the door?" I yelled. No one came, though. Sighing I put my book down and got up to answer the door. Outside were two palace guards.
"Is this the residence of Lady America?" I nodded. "Good. We're going to have to take you back to the palace now. King Maxon's orders," one of them said, robotically.
"And what exactly has King Maxon done for me anyways?" I said. The tall one rolled his eyes.
"Just come with us, Lady America. I'd be so much easier." I will not give into this random guard.
"No. I'm not an easy person. And I'm not going back to that palace." The two guards looked at each other, and lunged at me. One of them grabbed my under arms and the other went for my feet. I kicked and thrashed but as much as I fought they would always be stronger. As if out of thin air another guard appeared and sprayed some pink perfume stuff in my face and almost instantly the world started to grow black until I was finally asleep.

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