Chapter 9

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Two weeks later
Now that Marlee knew, well mostly knew, I had to tell my family. I don't know how they will react, though. Twins don't run in our family and especially not triplets, but somehow I conceived three babies at one time.
"Mary, could you please call Marlee in here." I asked.
I was in the queens suit because Maxon had an advisory meeting. I hardly ever came in here anymore. I had slept in here four time and that's it. All when Maxon and I had a fight. We hardly ever fought anymore.
"Yes, miss." She curtsied and went to get her. Marlee and Carter don't live down in the Maids Quarter anymore, neither does Mary. Since they were two of my closest friends, I made them come live on the third floor with us.
"Don't forget Mary, Marlee lives four rooms down from this one." She nodded her head and shut the door.
When Marlee bursted through my door, I was laying down reading a book. My shirt was pulled over my stomach, and my bump was noticeable. Mary came in right behind her and I didn't realize, but as soon a I did I tried to cover it up with the blankets. I was too late.
"My lady! Ar..are you p...pregnant?" She stuttered. I was about to tell her and Marlee about the news, but so much for telling Mary. I had been dressing myself, so that nobody would figure it out.
"Yes. Yes I am.. But not with one baby." Mary gasped, but Marlee had already knew, so she didn't react. I motioned for them to come sit down on my bed, and they came, willingly.
"Now, Marlee was the first person other than Maxon and Doctor Ansel that I told. We thought it was just twins at first, but it's not." Marlee's face fell."I'm having triplets." They both squealed. I pulled out the sonogram pictures and handed them each one. They looked at the three, very tiny bodies in there for a long time.
"I can't believe this. Is that why you've been wearing things with a lot of ruffles and things like that on it? To try and cover up your bump?" I nodded my head." How far along are you?" She was so happy I could tell.
"Eight weeks, Mary. And don't tell anyone because this is top secret until Friday. That's when we are go to tell the country. But look how big I'm getting!!" I shoved down the blankets, not caring and lifted up my shirt. They gasped, and I gasped, too. I really was getting big. At this rate, I would be the size of a house!
I looked at the clock and noticed it was a hour till lunch.
"Ladies I hate to cut this short, but y'all have to fix me up." I said. Mary got up and went to the closet, while Marlee went to draw me a bath. I had realized that I don't have a lady in waiting. The it's hit me. Openly is said," Do y'all know what a lady in waiting is?"
I heard a 'yeah' and a 'yes ma'am'. I giggled. "So I know I'm only supposed to have one, but would you two like to be my ladies in waiting?" Marlee rushed out of the bathroom and hugged my neck. Her tiny bump slammed into mine and made me take a step back.
"Whoa. Slow down there, Marlee. Remember we are both pregnant," just as I said that, I heard the bedside phone ring. Mary answered
"Hello...yes...yes she is here...yes you can talk to her. America, King Maxon is wanting to talk to you." She handed me the phone and I pulled it into the bathroom.
"Hey, you!" I said excitedly.
"Hello, darling. Would you and our three children like to accompany me on a picnic?" He asked. I giggled at the sound of him saying our three children.
"Of course. I'm getting ready right now. Where do you want me to meet you?"
"In the gardens. You know where at." With that he hung up the phone and I walked out.
When I got to the gardens, I walked to our bench. He wasn't there, but there was a piece of paper taped on the railing.
Come to the big oak tree in the middle of the garden.
My heart skipped a beat. I loved that big oak tree. It was beautiful, and that's where Maxon and I went to relax.
As I got over there, I saw a big blanket spread out with a basket full of food weighing it down. Maxon was laying on it too, his shirt untucked, shoes off, and reading a book.
"Hello Maxon." I said. I walked over to him and laid down besides him.
"Hello, beautiful. I'm glad you could join me today. And how are my babies doing?" He said getting up to rub my stomach but I saw a camera crew and shyed away.
"Not now. Camera crews are here," I nodded my head towards them and went in to hug him. He took it.
"I don't care Ames. I just want to be able to love my wife and children with everything that I am." And I do too.
"I know. That's why I want to tell them tomorrow on the Report." His eyes opened wide.
"Well we have to give them something to talk about." He dipped me and placed one hand on my stomach and the other on my back. His lips met mine and I could hear the cameras flashing.
So I don't usually proof read my chapters before I publish them so...yeah.
I hope you're liking so far.
Criticism is welcome!

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