Chapter 13

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"America, darling, please wake up. For me. For your family. For the country's sake. For mine. You are all I have left in this world. Without you there is nothing. America, you are my one true love and even if you die, I will forever love you." It grew quiet and I heard a door shut. The darkness overtook me again.
"When do you think she'll wake up?" Maxon. I'd know that voice anywhere.
"I don't know your Majesty. I could be tomorrow, it could be next week, or next month. We have no clue. We have done all we can do." Doctor Kiara.
"But she's been asleep for two months now. Surely there is some sign of how she is doing." Maxon had a hint of whine on his voice.
I had been asleep for two months?!
There were a few more seconds of silence and then someone spoke.
"You're dismissed, Doctor." With that he left and slammed the door behind him.
"America, my love, you need to wake up. Soon. I know you probably can't hear me right now, but I want you to fight. I want you to fight like hell to stay in this world. With me. With our family. With your family. You are my home, America. And I can't loose you." I felt something warm and wet fall on my cold hand. I wanted to tell him that I will fight that I will stay with him forever, but I couldn't promise that.
Everyday now I have grown weaker. I thought I was only under for two weeks, but apparently not. Two months is a long time for a coma, and I don't know how I will survive this.
With all the strength I could, I try to squeeze Maxon's hand.
Only two of my fingers move. But it's enough for Maxon to notice.
"D-doctor! I just felt her move! Get in here!" Maxon ran out the door, and as the seconds passed, I slowly drifted away.
I'll just go ahead and make this another chapter☺️👍🏻

SchrevedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora