Chapter 14

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My eyes shoot open.
I take in a deep breath.
My lungs burn.
My eyes water.
My throat burns.
"She's awake, we have to put her under again," Someone said.
A pain shoots through my legs all the way up my hips. What are they doing to me?
They inject some weird liquid serum into my arm.
I instantly see light. I heart the heart monitor start to flat line, but I'm peaceful.
The light is so bright, like the sun just a few feet away from earth. I walk, and walk, and walk towards it.
There's a door way. I open it and enter a big white endless room. In the middle of the room there are two chairs. There are two people sitting in them. One man with brown hair and yellow paint in it, and the other man sits with a strait back, clean cut hair atop his head. They both turn towards me.
My father. And Clarkson.
"Kitten, you're in heaven. You're with us now. Stay with us." They both get up and walk towards me. "Yes do stay America," Clarkson said. "I know we weren't friends in the past but that doesn't mean we can't be now. Stay here. You'll be better off here."
"Why are y'all here?" They both look at each other, and then me.
"We're dead, Kitten. I died of a heart attack almost three years ago."
"And I died the day Maxon was supposed to announce his engagement," Clarkson. But if he was here then where was Amberly?
"Where's Amberly?" Clarkson' face lite up. Then a sad expression fell across his face.
"She's not her with me," Clarkson said, looking away from me and down at his feet.
"Then where is she. If she is not here then where is she so I can go find her." My voice was demanding. Those lessons from Silvia were finally paying off.
"She never died, America. She's in a southern rebel base with your sister. They never died." The news hit me like a truck. I fell into the chair, my breathing getting heavy.
How were they still alive? After all this time Amberley being alive is a miracle. And May? How on God's green earth still be here?
All of a sudden, my heart began to speed up, my legs became wobbly, and my mind went fuzzy.
"Daddy, what's happening to me? What's going on?" I fell to the ground.
"Let it take you, it will take you where you're supposed to be."
I reached out to touch him one last time, but he faded away before I could do so. The light that was above me slowly faded away and all became dark once again.

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