Out of the Ruins and Rubble

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I woke up to Waving Through a Window playing as my alarm. It was four in the morning and I had to get out of the house before my foster family woke up. As a foster kid I was required to have my own room. That didn't mean it had to be good. I was like Harry Potter I had a cupboard under the stairs. Oh yeah I should probably tell you. My name is Abigail Elizabeth, my birth parents named me after Abigail Adams and Elizabeth Hamilton two strong independent women. I am ten years old and I usually skip school to make money. I have blond/brown hair and deep brown eyes.

On my way out the door I grabbed my speaker and my phone that the foster system was required to give me. I am currently living in Brooklyn so I had to take the C train to get to Manhattan. Once I got there I stopped right before the theatre district started and put a plastic cup out and began to sing Ring of Keys from Fun Home. I put everything I had into it I had to to make money. I made sure to support my breathing like my voice teachers had told me to do a million years ago.

After Ring of Keys I sang Breathe, Naughty, When I Grow up, and Waving Through a Window. After that I started to sing Burn. I know it's a little I mean a lot too old for me but I couldn't help it. As soon as that thought came into my head someone came up to me and said, "isn't this song a little old for you?". I recognized that voice but I don't remember where I looked up and saw the Jonathan Groff. I had so stop I we speechless he is my role model.
"Um Mr. Groff"
"Please call my Jon"
"Um Jon?"
"Why aren't you in school young lady? Wow that sounded all dad like but no in all seriousness why?"
"I need the money" I mumbled.
"For what where are your parents"
"I don't have any okay!"
"Oh god I am so sorry!"
He hugged me and I broke down crying I don't know if it was because he was hugging me or because I missed my parents. I think it was that he was hugging me.
"Why did you pay attention to me Jon?"
"Once I saw you I knew you were talented"
"Well gotta keep singing!"
"You know what I'll pick you up here after my rehearsal and we will go to lunch together. Also I didn't' catch your name"
"Are you sure? And my name is Abby"


After he left I sang You'll be Back and I Know Him. I felt in the Jon spirit and by 11:00 I had made $10 I was proud of myself. I have never made this much before.

I started to walk to Starbucks to meet my friend Jacob like I alway do at 11:11 it's our little thing. Jacob is seventeen he is like my big brother. We both come from Pittsburgh and we use d to go to the same Performing Arts school he ran away to NYC after the foster family I was staying with moved here. He is amazing at dance and he sometimes teaches me. "Hey Jacob!"
"Abby! How are you today!" He said lifting me up on to his shoulder. I am really small for my age so I am the height of like a six year old. "I'm fine you know what"
"I met Jonathan Groff today"
"Yeah we are going to lunch at one"
"Cool do u want to go sing now?"
"Yeah let's go to my usual spot"

We walked to where I sang for Jon and started to sing mostly duets. We ended with my favorite Seventeen and Partners in Crime from Tuck Everlasting. When we finished I noticed a small crowed had formed around us. But not just any crowed Groff was right in front.
"Abby! And who is this young man you are singing with?" Groff said. "Oh this is Jacob we grew up together and he moved here around the same time I did. He is like my brother"
"Cool! Want to join us?"

Jon ended up taking us to a pizza place across from the Richard Rogers. We got a large cheese pizza to share. When we were done with our pizza Jon asked, "Do you want to come back to the theatre?"
"What time is it?" I asked.
"It's 2:30"
"Shit! I have to get home!"
Jon's POV
"It's fine she swears like a drunken sailor," Jacob said nonchalantly.
"Where did she learn that word? I mean she is what like six?"
"She's ten and she has been in situations that no kid should ever go through"
"Wow, ten. Is she in an orphanage?"
"Nah foster care. She is in a pretty rough home right now"
"How bad?"
"No meals a day, beaten if she tries to eat, beaten if she comes home late"
"Wow, why does she not go to school"
"Her foster siblings go there"
"Oh," I thought can I get her out of this? But how, I'm not certified.
"What system is she in?" I asked.
"The Graham Windham. Why?"
"I know someone who can help me"

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