25. Today's the Day

Start from the beginning

I turned around just in time to see many black SUV's pulling up in a line. My dad stood in front of the pack house with his arm wrapped securely around my mom's waist. My brother stood off to the side with a bored expression on his face, clearly not wating to be there.

Carter and his family quickly joined. Carter presses a kiss on Genevieve's forehead then turned to face the oncoming group of wolves. The moment I saw Titus step out of the SUV I froze, my eyes locked on him. He had grown a slight beard since the last time I saw him and held an irritated expression, clearly not happy about something.

Shaking my head, I sighed then turned to walk into the woods. 

"Stupid snow!" I shouted as I tripped on the root of a tree that was hidden under the white blanket of snow. I stopped at the clearing by the frozen lake and rested my back against the tree.

This was ridiculous, he's my mate for Goddess sake! And I'm hiding like a pup! Ha that's funny, the alpha's daughter hiding from her mate. "I should be ashamed of myself." I picked up a stick an broke it in half, throwing it off in the distance shortly after.

I was about to head back when I caught a familiar scent. Someone wasn't smart enough to cover their scent before they decided to sneak up on me. "Seth?" He appeared from behind one of the trees. I ran to him and wrapped my arm around him. "What are you doing here?" I said into his neck.

I pulled away and stared up at him. "Titus made me a warrior." My jaw dropped. "I know that was my exact reaction when he gave me the news." I knew there had to be a catch to it, but I wasn't going to ruin his spirits.

"That's great! I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks." He dropped his gaze down to the ground, something eating away at him brain.

I debated on bringing up the next topic, but I decided to go ahead and ask. "How's the mate situation?" He ran his hand through his hair nervously. "It's getting there, she's still very distant but she lets me hold her hand." I smiled, It was a small gesture but you could tell it made him happy.

"Brinn?" He asked.

"Hmm?" I snapped my eyes back to his.

"I brought her with me." I balled my hands into fists and glared at him. "You didn't!" I seethed.

He held his hands up in defense. "I-I told her not to start anything with you. She understands that if she does there will be consequences." He explained.

I ran my hand over my face and sighed, I knew I was going to have to see her sooner or later. But this was just too much, her and Titus all at once. "Just keep her away from me." He nodded, agreeing to my demands.

"The meeting is about to start, we should head back." I nodded in agreement and we began our walk back.

"Titus was pissed when he saw you weren't present for the greeting." I bit my bottom lip, partly concerned and partly unbothered. "I can imagine." I directed my gaze to the ground, not wanting to talk about him any longer.

Getting the message he decided to change the subject. "Maci and Alex missed you. They practically killed me for being your getaway driver." I laughed at the thought of Maci and Alex attacking him. I had been so caught up in my own dilemma I completely forgot about them. 

The moment the pack house came into view he turned to face me. "Okay so I gotta run, the meeting is going going to start any second now." I waved him off. "Go ahead, I'll see you later." He raced off towards the back of pack house.

I continue walking at a steady pace, when I reached the pack house doors, I opened them and walked inside. I heard chatter coming from inside the dining hall so decided to follow it to my destination.

I was mentally preparing myself for what was to come. Taking a deep breath, I gathered all the courage I had and walked inside. All of the chatter ceased to a stop as all eyes landed on me.


Alex and Maci raced toward me, pulling me into a bone-crushing hug. "I'm fine guys." I said as I patted their backs awkwardly.

They pulled away and smiled. "We missed you." They said in unison, then laughed at their timing.

"I missed you guys too." Alex reached down and grabbed Ellie, placing her on her hip. "Luna." She said with a giggle. I placed a kiss on her cheek them grabbed her tiny hand.

My eyes scanned the crowd until they landed on Lily. She was standing in the corner glaring daggers at me. Maci noticing the exchange rubbed my arm soothingly. "Ignore her, she's just mad because everyone is giving her crap about rejecting my brother and sleeping with Alpha."

I dropped my gaze from her and focused back on my friends, she wasn't worth my time or energy. "Yeah, everyone is giving her slack, Titus too but he shut that down real quick. I feel bad for Seth, he doesn't deserve that." Alex added.

I wanted to feel bad for her, but I couldn't. Maybe if she were to apologize I would see her differently, but I highly doubt that was going to happen. She made her bed, now she had to go lay in it.

"How did the pack react when they found out they were mates?" I asked, curiosity getting the best of me. Maci gave me a tight smile. "I always knew, but I was sworn to secrecy. As for the rest of the pack, they mainly pitied Seth." I nodded, sometimes the pity was worst than the heartbreak. It came from a good place, but it made you feel worse.

My mom and Rachel joined our conversation shortly after. Rachel pulled me into a hug and kissed my cheek. "Hello darling, how are you?" I shrugged. "I'm making it."

She gave me a sympathetic look. "I'm so sorry about my foolish son." I shook my head. "It's fine, It's not your fault."

A couple of minutes later we were in a full on conversation. Rachel, Maci, and Alex were the queens of gossip, so it was never a dull moment around. Me on the other hand, I found myself gazing out of the window as my thoughts drifted elsewhere.

"Where's Owen?" I asked my mom. "Your dad let him join the meeting, he was so excited." She placed her hand over her heart and smiled. She was such a mom, always wanting to see her pups happy.

I walked over to greet a couple other females of Grey stone along with some of the Red moon females. They all bowed and greeted me with: "Luna."

Genevieve walked towards me, grabbing both of my hands with a squeal. "I knew Titus was your mate." I furrowed my brows in confusion. "You did?" I mean it was no secret but...

She sighed. "Okay no, but just let me enjoy this moment." We both started laughing.

I started feeling sluggish, my lack of sleep was quickly catching up with me. I walked over to my mom and grabbed her mom. "Hey mom I'm really tired. Do you mind if I take a nap?"

She placed a hand on my shoulder. "Of course not sweetie. Go get some rest." I said goodbye to my friends then headed up to my room.

The moment I entered my room, I closed the door and collapsed onto the bed. After a few minutes, I was out like a match.


What will happen when Brinn and Titus meet face to face? Will he be angry with her? Will Brinn forgive him?

We'll find out in the next chapter! Lol I sound like a tv show narrator 😂

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Changed~ JP Saxe 🤗

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