Chapter Five: Oh, It's You

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"Hi," he murmured back, keeping his eyes on the floor and his hands out in front of him.

"I'm, I'm (y/n)," you replied, your eyes now on the floor and hands in your pockets.

"They call me Tae, but you can call me anytime."

Jade's palm connected to her forehead, but no one heard the smack over the loud giggle that came out of your mouth.

"Did you work on that line for a long time?"

"All night," he replied, and blushed, "Sorry if it was terrible."

"I've heard worse," you joked back, relaxing a bit and warming up to the goofy werewolf in front of you.

Despite the boy being a werewolf and an idol, he was a fairly normal individual. Admittedly charming, but normal enough despite his abnormalities.

"I know that we're supposed to talk about serious stuff," he whispered, "But I don't do serious too well. So, are you a cat person, or a dog person?"


Namjoon, Jade, and Yoongi were standing in the corner, hiding their smiles and laughter behind hands as they watched (y/n) and Taehyung speak to each other. Yoongi turned to Jade and whispered, "Dinah is going to arrive in a few minutes," to which Jade groaned and shook her head.

"Why on earth would you invite her? She doesn't need to stress herself out more than she already is."

Yoongi gave Jade a look and said, "She's my mate, and she needs to be aware of the addition of another human mate. She's coming and that's final."

"You sound like an alpha female," Jade joked. "But I know what you're really asking is for me to go down and help her get in."

"That would be greatly appreciated. My mate is downstairs, go get her for me."

Jade raised her eyebrow.


"Yeah, yeah. I'm going. See you in a few, Nam." She pressed a kiss to his cheek and slipped out of the room, unnoticed by (y/n) and Tae, who were too consumed in their conversation to notice what she was doing.

Jade stepped into the elevator, preparing to return to the door she had picked (y/n) up from. The ride back down was fine, it was the ride up she was dreading, mainly because of Dinah, Yoongi's mate.

Where to begin with Dinah. Yoongi and Dinah had met about a year after Jade and Namjoon had, and their relationship progressed exponentially faster than Jade and Namjoon's. So much faster that Dinah was now expecting Yoongi's first child, which made Dinah believe that she was better than Jade. She never outright said it, but Jade could tell based upon the way Dinah spoke to her and acted around her, despite the fact that Jade was technically the Alpha female.

The elevator doors opened, and Jade slowly walked toward the back door that they used to enter and exit the building discreetly. A banging came from the other side of the door, and Jade cursed and cringed internally as she opened the door to reveal the heavily pregnant Dinah standing there, carrying about seven bags and looking like she was about to burst into flames.

"Oh. It's you," she sighed, and dropped the bags into Jade's arms.

"Hello Dinah," Jade said, rolling her eyes and shifting the bags around. "What's in the bags?"

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