Goodbyes and Deceptions

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He didn’t say anything else and moments later, he was gone. No goodbyes. And it was for the best as both of us had agreed once, a time that seemed ages ago.

There was something that was simply too final about goodbyes. When you leave wordlessly, it creates a sort of compulsion to return and sort out everything unfinished. Our silence is our promise. We would return. We would see each other again. We would make it. For each other.

“I’ll see you later, Cam,” Scott tried for a smile as it seemed to be his turn to say farewell, but his voice cracked. His youthful face seemed contorted with anxiety and stress and suddenly, Scott seemed painfully grown up to me, as well.

“You better,” I cracked a small smile, giving him a short hug, hoping to give him comfort I wasn’t entirely sure on how to give.

It seemed that since I was the last one down, everyone else had already exchanged their goodbyes and best wishes for each other. 

The door shut after him and the trio forming the first group was gone. 

We’d planned it so they would perform the initial infiltration and break into the facility as distraction and we’d (the second group) sneak in mere minutes later, find Easton and then regroup to help take out any and every guard or henchman on duty. The whole idea was to stay undetected for as long as we possibly could. We had to at least manage to locate Easton and free him. He was the top priority of this mission.

We were, however, also aiming to get our hands on Ragnald. That way, we could at least try to recreate how our powers were taken, reverse some of the processes and get them back. The media was becoming suspicious of the lack of activity from Elite since it had been at least two months since we went out and actively did something super related.

It was either get back our powers and make an extravagant comeback or release a statement claiming that the Elite had broken up and the members had retired to lead normal lives or something.

We were hoping it wouldn't have to come down to the latter.

Anyways, the third group was supposed to make their entrance during the last phase of the operation, during the escape. Help us get the hell out of there.

"Don't I get a goodbye hug?"

I turned at the low murmur, coming to face with the familiar figure clad in red and white. Aiden; or rather, Aerofire.

"How could I forget?" I smiled wryly, holding my arms out and wrapping them around his neck, him holding me close in return. It lasted a while, warmth raising through my veins like something addicting. And something else, too.

Sadness, perhaps?

Yes. I didn't want to let go. And I didn't mean that in the physical way. I meant as in I wasn't particularly fond of not seeing Aiden after the mission for a while. Maybe, never. And once we rescued East, it wouldn't be long before we'd have to go back to headquarters.

"Stay safe," he murmured in my ear and I nodded. "We're all going to be fine," he added and I nodded again. Then, he released his grip on my waist and we pulled away.

"I know," I told him, my lip quirking upwards. "Just try not to do anything too stupid that might get you seriously injured."

Or killed. But we both knew that it was automatically added and to save ourselves from considering the possibility of death, it was better left unsaid.

Jordan's voice interrupted the somber silence of the room. "First group needs to leave now," he informed quietly.

Noah, Scott and Sky exchanged glances, nodding and standing up. "We'll see you there," Noah said, clearing his throat.

Elite: Ragnaldحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن