Finding the Factory

Start from the beginning

"Alright," he turned to face us. "We are in the western wing right now. The elevators are in the main atrium if that's what you want to do and the stairs are a couple of hallways down from here," he informed, pulling open the door.

The three of us exchanged glances and nodded because we already knew which one we were going to pick. "Lead us to the vents," Sky smiled.

Scott stared at us for a second before asking Ryder the directions. Leading us through the office and out the door, Scott gestured to the wall on the right and sure enough, there was a vent at the bottom.

"It's nailed shut," Scott observed. "No kidding," Eve mumbled under her breath, smiling innocently when Scott glared, having heard her.

"Nothing is ever shut, Scott," I grinned, watching as Sky wandered into the office again. 

"Nothing!" Sky whisper-shouted her agreement when she'd come back out with a desk chair in her hold. It wasn't very convenient because the wheels proved to be slightly disrupting to the plan to whack the chair against the vent till the cover slid off, but eventually, it did the trick.

"Seriously?" Ryder questioned through the comm. link, probably watching us through a security camera.

"It's called improvising," I drawled in answer. "Maybe you've heard if it."

Sky, in the meantime, had slipped inside and already begun crawling. I followed after her, Evelyn and Scott behind me as we moved in relative silence, silently following Ryder's directions when he told us to turn.

I realised that ours wasn't an idealistic situation for an undercover infiltration like we were hoping to do, what with the squad of people rather than a single person. With one of us, it would've been smoother, faster and less risky. Essentially, one of us would've done it because for all legal purposes, we didn't exist. Officially, Cameron and Noah Strong had died in the 'gas explosion' with their parents. Eve had been a part of the foster system and Ollie had grown up on the streets before the both of them had been taken away for the experiments that gave them their powers so, neither have proper paperwork as it is. However, they are considered dead as having perished in the fire that they set when they were escaping. Sky has paperwork that said she'd been adopted almost immediately after the death of her father.

If one of us was seen, because I sincerely doubt they'd be able to catch us even if we were powerless, they'd never be able to find us. We'd disappear. 

But, we needed Scott for the entrance. And then after a long arguement, Sky, Eve and I were decided to be the ones to tag along.

We only stopped when we finally reached an intersection with an air shaft that led upwards. 

"How do you plan on getting there?" Aiden questioned.

"Why do you think we insisted Scott wear our gloves? They're electromagnetic and that air shaft is made of metal," Noah answered him before any of us could open our mouths to. 

"He's right. The gloves use an electro adhesive that make it possible to climb vertical surfaces," I explained. "A little bit like static."

"How do I turn the electro-thingy on?" Scott asked from the back. 

"You press the little button on the underside of the bottom stitching," Eve instructed. Sky, however, had already turned hers on, placing her hands on the highest surface surface they could reach before hauling herself upwards and through the shaft, her feet braced against opposite sides of the vent. After that, alll she had to climb up.

I mimicked her actions and soon enough, all four of us had made it to the third floor where the documents for industrial property were stored. 

Sky kicked at the vent repeatedly until the lid popped out, the sound of it hitting the floor echoing through the empty silence. You will not believe the awkward struggle prior to that when she had to shift her position so her feet were closer to the vent. There will forever remain a dent on the top of that particular vent shaft shaped like Sky's head.

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