Reviewing Possibilities

Start from the beginning

I waved my hand in his general direction. "It's fine. We'll get over our tragedies," I muttered at the same time as Sky advised him to "Calm your tits."

Ryder let out an ugly snort which he quickly disguised as a cough as soon as he got the glare he was gonna get.

The bell rang in announcement of lunch being over and all of us got up from the table we'd been hoarding. "English," I declared, throwing my bag over my shoulder. "Yo también, mi amigo!" Sky agreed cheerfully in Spanish, throwing an arm around my shoulder and leading us out of the cafeteria with me in a half-headlock. Despite her enhanced strength being gone, Sky was still stronger than me. Nothing much I could do about that.

"Everyday of my life," I sighed in resignation, letting her laugh in delight at my admission of defeat.

3 December, Friday, 4:35 pm.

Scarlett was in no way an ignorant idiot. She knew something was up and we knew we were screwed because of the position that fact put us in.

"I just don't understand why Cameron and I were kidnapped. We aren't related in any way to any of the supers and we haven't done anything to particularly piss of Cataclysm," she frowned. The girl had been at it since last week and Noah was starting to get nervous. It wasn't obvious but I've lived with him my whole life; you pick up on things like that.

"I don't know, Scar. I think you should just let it go. It's in the past; it's already happened. You can't keep focusing on that," Noah sighed, running a hand through his dark hair. Scarlett's shoulders slumped but she nodded. After, of course, studying the both of us with a gaze of suspicion. I didn't exactly do anything about it. Just continued leaning against the doorway leading from the living room to kitchen.

"What about you, Cam? How are you coping with it?" She asked at last. I shrugged. "If everyone at school knocked off staring at me, I'd be better," I admitted. She grinned. "You too, huh?" 

Before anything more could be said, her phone rang. As it turned out, her mom needed her home to prepare for some of their family coming over for Christmas so, she left. Seriously though, Christmas was far away. What was family doing here, already?

"Not long before she figures it out," Noah stated once the door was shut and her footsteps pattered away. "No," I agreed. "What do we do about it?" Noah glanced at me. "We throw her off our scent. Not like we have powers that could prove otherwise," I shrugged, moving to sit on the couch. Nlah sighed but didn't say anything else, instead turning his attention to the TV, watching the colors on the screen but not really seeing them. His mind seemed to be elsewhere and I made no move to recapture his attention.

"I just wish we didn't have to lie so much," he sighed after a while of silence.

I turned my head to look at him again.

"It's like eversince mom and dad died, we've just been telling one lie after another. It just makes everything seem so fake. It makes us seem so fake. Like we're pretending that everything's okay and that we're fine when we're not. I hear you have nightmares sometimes and it angers me to hear my little sister beg for forgiveness from a memory-a fragment of the past that should've been happy. We grew up too fast, Cammy. All of us," he ranted.

I stared at him before scooting closer to place my head on his shoulder, letting him place his on mine.

"I know that I should be grateful that Ace offered us a home and relative safety but, he took away that chance at innocence. It's why I didn't mind this mission so much at the start. We're getting the chance to be moderately normal. That's all I've ever wanted, you know. Even mom and dad were there, I'd always wished they'd spend more time with us. That won't ever happen now, huh?" He continued.

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