Apparently, in the time that I was beating up the robot, Aerofire and Geowater decided to finally show up. "Your late" I uttered as Aerofire flew past me. "Sorry" he called, bending a robots leg at an odd angle. I tilted my head and took off in a sprint. "Not forgiven".

It took us a bit of time but we finally managed to get rid of the robots. The street was covered in heaps of scrap metal and scrap robot.

"Is this some sort of punishment for me neglecting exercise?" Hunter said, walking towards me. He was nursing his dislocated shoulder. "I told you to come to training with us, but you favored lazing around and Netflix surfing" Justice said, helping an exhausted Comet. Comet's face was hidden by her red ombre hair but I could tell how tired she was, given the fact that Justice practically had to drag her along.

"Nice work C" Streak said, having super sped to her best friend's side. Comet muttered a thank you. "Elite..." a voice behind us mumbled in awe. I turned to see the Dynamic Dunderheads staring at us. "I told you so" I muttered under my breath. "It's an honor, really. Umm, just one question" Geowater said. "What if we told him that he couldn't ask it?" Streak whispered to Hunter, who was standing next to her. He snorted in turn.

Justice however waved for them to continue, sending an annoyed look to Streak, who put up her hands in surrender. "Why are you guys here exactly? I mean, yeah those were a lot of robots but nothing that serious" Aerofire spoke this time. He seemed to picking his words carefully, probably worried that we would somehow manage to turn him to smithereens on the ground if he pissed us off. 

"We aren't here for the city" I smirked. They turned to look at me curiously. "We're here to kidnap you" Comet said creepily. Even when we were barely able to stand on our own feet, we loved creeping people out. Aerofire and Geowater glanced at each other with wide eyes. I wouldn't blame them. We were pretty unpredictable.

"No we aren't" Justice said exasperatedly. She sounded so done with all of us it was kind of funny. "Look, we just wanted to ask you guys this: do you want to join Elite?" she asked, moving her arms on either side of her. The two supers in front of us just looked dumbfounded. "She's just asking to be nice, you know. You guys don't really get a choice" Hunter reminded them. "It doesn't even matter. Being a part of Elite is an honor and you won't ever get a chance like tis again. Ever" Comet waved dismissively. "Besides, if you refuse, we could always just kidnap you. It won't even be hard and it's not like we would get into any trouble" Streak grinned at them.

She wasn't really wrong but the persistency on the idea of just abducting them worried me slightly. Slightly. Let's not forget that I've done lots of kidnapping and un-aliving: and I'm 16. I shouldn't be allowed to judge.

"Or if you refuse, we could figure out your secret identities, and then where would we be?" I said innocently, looking down at my fingernails. Glancing upwards, I saw them both looking at me with hostility. Was it incredibly mean to casually throw that into the conversation? Yes. But I was Mirage, a badass superhero who nobody could touch because of her power. I was meant to act like nothing could faze me, I was unbreakable. Nothing could bother me, I had a superiority complex and I had to be the sarcastic and aloof superhero that I was with my mask on.

I shot them a sweet smile. "It shouldn't really bother you this much. As Comet said, being offered this chance is an honor' I shrugged but the smirk on my face suggested that I would use my knowledge against them. The cold truth? I would.

"How would you figure out our identities?" Aerofire asked with his eyes narrowed on us. I think we just went from 'Honorable' to 'I want to strangle them' in his mental list. "We have our means" Streak said, waving her hands in front of her cryptically. In reality, she looked ridiculous. "Look, ignore them. The two of you are great superheroes and it's honorable how you save people despite having to risk your own lives" Justice ran a hand down her face.

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