Chapter Twenty-Five (Last Chapter)

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I relished in whatever it was I was feeling, until Clayton began to stir. He straightened out the arm laying across my back, and eventually I saw those blue-green eyes poking out into the day. He eventually turned around to be on his back, and stretched his body out. 

"Good morning," I whispered at first, testing if he was actually awake yet. 

When I received an eyes closed turn of the face towards me, I took that as he was awake. "Hi."

I couldn't help but giggle at his groggy, deep voice. 

"God, what time is it?" He rubbed at his eyes.

I sat up, peering at his alarm clock. "Close to twelve-thirty."

Reaching over to my phone, I checked my notifications to find texts from J.K. There was six of them, and all of them were forms of apologizing for Zeke's douchebaggery and how she wanted nothing to do with him anymore. She apparently snuck in her own damage on him last night by kicking him right in the eggplant emoji.  Whatever that meant. 

Smirking to myself, I pulled the covers off me and stood up. And to think, the night previous I was scared our friendship would be ruined over something like that. I should've known she wouldn't allow bullshit in her life. Especially one that tried to sabotage a friend's relationship with someone. 

Clayton eventually followed suit and got out of bed. He left his room to see if either of his parents were home, and he came and told me just his mom was, but she was sound asleep. 

Being the gentleman he was, he went to his car and brought my bag in that had spare clothes in it. I wasn't going to tell Clayton this, but that was the main reason why I followed after him after he had punched Zeke. Then it turned into me wanting to make sure he was alright, even though I was pretty high in emotion at the beginning. 

"So did you want to take me home soon?" I asked Clayton, although I was hoping the answer would be a straight up no. 

Thankfully, that was what I got. "I was actually hoping we could go to a few places today."

I pursed my lips. "Interesting. Like what places?"

"Well. . I was thinking we could start the day off with some milkshakes?"

The smile on my face had to of been blinding. 

After all, the day was starting off amazingly. I woke up in the same position I fell asleep in, got to wake up next to a gorgeous specimen, and now milkshakes? I was over-the-moon.

- - - - - - - - - 

We settled at our usual table at Shakers, earning a few hello's from the staff. 

Effie, the cashier, actually came up to our table and commented on how I looked last night. 

"You looked so pretty last night, Lucy." She beamed. Then, her smile suddenly lightened. "I'm sorry to hear about what happened with you guys and Zeke though. He's telling people Clayton started things, but I know that's a lie."

Clayton rolled his eyes and finished his sip of his milkshake. "That guy doesn't know when to quit."

Effie quickly apologized, like her usual self, in case she caused Clayton any discomfort by mentioning him. After about another ten apologizes later from her, she left us to attend to another customer. 

"I know we didn't talk about it last night," I began. "But I wanted you to know I'm sorry for believing what Zeke was saying for a split second. I was just taken off guard and--"

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