The clan leader knelt in front of Satarou. "Why are you here, boy? I will give you one last chance to tell me your name. I want your full name. Just who are you?"

Satarou looked the man in his eyes. "I am Satarou. And this is Yui." He gestured towards his younger brother.

"Do you have a last name, Satarou? How old are you?" the leader asked.

"No last name. I am seventeen. Yui is nine" Satarou said, not once looking away from the clan leader.

"So young" the leader mumbled to himself before speaking up once again, "where is your family, Satarou?"

"Yui is the only family that I have" Satarou said. That was all he was going to say. Yui had kept himself mostly hidden behind Satarou the whole time.

"How do you know Lightning?" the leader inquired.

"We met a long time ago. We lived together for a while, but I haven't seen him since a year ago" Satarou replied.

"Alright then" the leader sighed. "I am Luke Mori. This is my six-year-old son, Truman Mori."

The Angel cleared her throat to gather their attention. "I am Katie Hopper. Just so you know, if you touch any one of us in the clan, I will not hesitate to kill you. I am twenty-six, not that it concerns you."

Luke looked at Katie, "Katie, will you take Satarou's horse to the stalls with the other's? I want to introduce him to the rest of the clan."

Katie nodded obediently and led Winnie to where the stalls are located.

"Satarou, let me take your weapons. They can't be easy to carry" Luke said.

Satarou didn't once smile as he looked into Luke's eyes, "the weapons stay with me."

"What about you, Yui?" Luke asked.

"The weapons stay with him" Satarou replied.

Luke rolled his eyes. "I didn't ask you, Satarou." He turned to face Yui, "what is your answer, hon?"

"The weapons stay with me" Yui replied with a slightly softer tone than his brother had.

Luke sighed. "Alright, boys. Let's introduce you to the rest of the clan."

Satarou and Yui followed their new leader into the rest of the clan grounds. Once they made it to the campsite, everyone looked at the two newcomers.

"We have two new members joining us today. Introduce yourself everyone!" Luke commanded.

"I'm Tiny" the soft, timid voice was the first to speak up. He currently had bright white fox ears on top of his head, along with a fluffy white fox tail behind him. He wore bronze armor and was covered from head-to-toe in it. His helmet sat next to him and Satarou could see that the boy had snow white colored hair. It fell down his shoulders in waves, ending at his elbow. He also had light sky-blue colored eyes. "I'm eighteen."

The next one to speak up was a female. She currently wore a dark purple robe and matching hat that had a pointed tip. "I'm Leia." She had straight, Raven-black hair that fell down to her shoulders and indigo-colored eyes. "I'm twenty."

The next two who spoke up were females who looked almost identical, "Asuna and Corvus are our names. Our last name is Miye." The girl on the right was Asuna, and the girl on the left was Corvus. They both had dark blue-almost black-hair that fell down their backs in waves. They both had one blue and one green eye. The difference was that Asuna's left eye was green, while Corvus' right eye was green. "We are both twenty-one." That was everyone.

Corvus got up and pinned Katie to the nearest tree. "Heya baby. Did you miss me?"

Katie scowled and pushed Corvus off of her. "We are not dating, you moron! And what's there to miss? This sexual harrassment?"

Corvus mocked hurt, "sexual harrassment, dear? I'm hurt! So hurt that you would call my love sexual harrassment, oh~" Corvus dramatically fell to her knees and fake cried.

"Oh knock it off, moron. Like you are really hurt" Katie rolled her eyes and walked away. Corvus laughed and went to chase after Katie.

"So what is your name?" Tiny asked the boys. Satarou forgot he hadn't even introduced himself.

"Satarou" he said, not bothering to actually look at them.

"I'm Yui" the nine-year-old said. He was a bit nicer than Satarou is, but he could still be cold sometimes himself. Especially if he thinks his weapons are about to be taken. He needed to protect himself, otherwise he felt that he would be a burden to Satarou.

"Welcome to the clan, boys" Luke said, sitting down on a log that was placed in front of the fire pit. Little Truman sat on his father's lap.

Satarou decided to walk around and found a log bench ways away from everyone else. Yui sat with Satarou.

"Is this where we are going to live from now on?" Yui asked his brother.

Satarou took out a knife and a piece of wood. "Don't worry, Yui. It is only temporary."

Satarou began carving into the piece of wood. He didn't exactly know what he was going to make. He just wanted to pass some time. Satarou tugged his kimono tighter so it was more snug against his sides. It was his favorite kimono. It use to be his adoptive mother's. He had decided to take it at the last second before he left the house. Now that he can fit it, he wore it often. It was red and had orange flowers all over it.

An hour later, Leia showed the brother's to the tent they will be staying in. Lightning stayed in that tent as well.

"How long have you been in this clan, Lightning?" Satarou asked.

"Only a month" Lightning replied, "I'm going to sleep. Goodnight." Lightning curled up into a ball in one corner of the tent.

"Night" Satarou told Lightning. There was a wooden bucket filled with water. Satarou took off his kimono and began washing it in the water. It had a week's worth of dirt on it and he needed it washed. He didn't have anything else to wear, but he figured that everyone was fast asleep for now.

"I'm going to sleep, brother" Yui told Satarou.

"Alright, Yui" Satarou smiled softly at his brother, "if you take off your clothes, I can wash them for you. They should be dry in the morning with all of this heat."

"Thank you, Satarou" Yui smiled sweetly at his brother before taking off all the clothing he owned. He placed them next to the bin before he curled up in the other corner of the tent and fell asleep.

Satarou took the only blanket he owned and placed it over Yui's sleeping form. Satarou then continued washing all of the clothing in the bucket. When he was finished, he hung them outside the tent. No one was around, though Satarou didn't care whether people were around or not. He went back inside his tent and zipped it up. Afterwards, he changed into his wolf form and curled up to go to sleep. He didn't always sleep as a wolf, but he didn't have any other way of staying warm since Yui had the only blanket.

It wasn't long before Satarou finally gave into the slumber that's been calling his name. He only fell into a light slumber so he could awake at any moment, but it was enough. He hadn't had much sleep the past few days because of the journey to the Bloodstone clan.

A/N: Hey guys! I am hoping you guys are enjoying this story so far. I am aiming to update every Wednesday and Saturday ^^. If you are enjoying the story, I would be really grateful if you left a vote and a comment! I love hearing from you guys :) 

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