Chapter 6|Cursed Sex|

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POV-Kaden Woods
I walk into the house I've known for over 200 years and look around at the decor of the rooms that never change. I go into the kitchen and find a blood bag in the refrigerator. I rip open the blood bag with my teeth and poor it into a wine glass. After taking a sip I hear Colton sleeping upstairs and he's not alone. I walk upstairs quietly so the two people sleeping don't wake up. Opening the door I see Colton asleep with his arms around a girl. The girl opens her eyes suddenly as my speed carries me out of the room. Through the wall Colton's and the girl's conversation is easily able to be interpreted.

"Colton I think someone's here..." She sounds worried.

Colton wakes up not phased by the girl's sudden change of emotions.

His monotone voice soothes her, "Hey no one is here. It's just us."

"No it's not that. I hear someone." The girl assures him.

The girl stands up on the creaky floor but she falls quickly. Colton runs over to assist her but she pushes him away. The girl stands up but then I can sense her health declining. She runs out of the room and into the closest bathroom and starts vomiting fountains of blood.

She's transforming...

Colton runs towards the bathroom but steps back when he sees what exactly is in the toilet. Sprinting for the exit I hear Colton at the top of the steps.

"Kaden... don't leave. I need your help." He says almost willingly.

"Well why didn't you just ask?" I smile turning my back away from the front door.

The girl who was pulling in the bathroom is now shaking on Colton's bed.

"What's wrong with me Colton?" She asks looking at me and then she starts weeping.

"Chloe, this is my step brother Kaden. He's going to help you." He whispers to the girl who is still weeping.

"What's wrong with me?" Chloe asks.

" Do you know about vampires?" I ask her as she thinks for a while.

"How did I become a vampire?" she asks.

"It's what you were born to be. We can't turn any human into a vampire."

I stare at her and then I bite my wrist extending it out towards her.

"Here. It'll help you heal." She hesitates at first but then she grabs my wrist and drinks from it.

Not long after she's sleeping and I'm talking to Colton about who the girl is.

"Her name is Chloe. She just moved here from California. Her parents died in a fire." Colton says.

"Well you two haven't taken too long to get cozy with each other." I hint as Colton glares at me.

"How did this happen to her?" he asks.
"You two having sex activated it." I say to him.

"I did this to her?" Colton looks back into his room worried." I wasn't thinking clearly neither was she I shouldn't have let her sleep in my bed but I don't know what happened."

Colton sat down on the floor shaking his head. I know he cares about this girl just like he cared about Anna. She looks exactly like her. I loved Anna too but I know how much this girl means to Colton. After we talk about my whereabouts for about an hour Chloe wakes up screaming. We run upstairs to find her holding her mouth in pain.

"It hurts! Make it stop!" She shrills.

POV-Chloe Hill
My mouth is on fire. Colton and his brother come upstairs but they can't do anything to help me. Kaden said that the first time my fangs will come in it will hurt for a while. He gives me something to bite on. Colton leaves the room and then comes back with a blood bag from the hospital. He rips it open and then he pours it in a plastic cup. He leaves it on the bedside table. Kaden leaves and then Colton sits on my bed.

"I'm sorry for doing this to you Chloe." He says.

"I should've listened to Alyssa. I was just angry." I admitted.

"Wait you know Alyssa's a vampire?" He asks.

"Yes." I sigh. "She told me but I didn't believe her."

He picks up the cup and hands it to me.
"You have to drink this to complete your transformation." He says handing the cup to me.

I stare at the cup but then I grab it from his hand and I drink the blood. It was so delicious. I need more.

"More..." I let out throwing the cup away.

"No. Kaden said only one cup." He puts his hand on my face.

Colton leans in and kisses me. I look into his eyes and smile.

"Now that we're on the topic of supernatural people I have a confession to make." Colton lets out."I'm a werewolf."

I'm shocked... Werewolves,vampires what are there witches too?

"Is it every full moon that you turn?" I ask him.

"Yeah...I was the dog that attacked you last time." He admits.

Now I can see why Alyssa was trying to protect me from Colton. I need to make it up to her somehow. She was right about everything. The only thing I'm confused about is how Colton became a werewolf.

"How did it happen?" I ask.

He looks down at the floor and then he gets up. Colton walks over to his dresser and opens one of the drawers. A picture appears in his hands of a young boy in a school uniform.

"This boy's name was Daren." He starts.

"He turned you into a werewolf?" I ask.

"No I killed him." He pauses. "The werewolf curse is caused by a person with the wolf gene in them and then they kill someone."

"Then after that?" I ponder.

"I started transforming every full moon after that." He says.

"I'm sorry Colton. Was your dad a wolf?" I ask.

"Yeah. He died. But he still taught me everything about being a wolf." He says.

"Did you know Daren?" I ask.

"He was my best friend." Kolton stares at the wall.

"I'm sorry. I wish there was something you could've done."

"Me too. Then I wouldn't have even gotten my werewolf powers." He looks into my eyes.

After that talk I took another nap and then Kaden woke me up.

"Wake up cupcake. First day of vampire training."

I realized it was morning when the sun was beaming in the ground though the window. I stand up and instantly when I feel the sunlight on my hand it burns. I run back into the bed when my wound starts healing.

"First tip is sun and vampires do not mix." He pauses."That is why you need this ring." He says tossing the silver ring with the green jewel towards me.

I'm hesitant to put it on at first but I slide it onto my index finger and I stand up. I notice when I walk in the sun this time that I don't get burned. Then Kaden gives me a water bottle.

"Drink this when you feel the urge to feed." He says with caution.

I open the container and gag at the smell.

"What is this?" I ask still groggily getting over the smell.

"Vervain. It helps you get over the urge to feed and to also loose your vampire smell." He responds.

"Vampire's smell?" I asked confused.

"Yes we smell like vanilla. Werewolves can usually smell us and so can witches." He says.

"Okay is that all I need to know?" I ask him.

"Yup. But I think you better stay another night before you go home. I don't want anything to happen to you." He says smiling.

"Okay."I respond going down the stairs to find Colton eating some raw meat.

I sit next to him and I just shake my head. This can't be happening to me. Just two days ago I was normal. Well almost normal until I started dating a werewolf. This is surreal. I feel like I can do anything now.

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