Chapter 17|Uncover|

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POV-Colton Woods
At least Mystic was able to take away Jasmine's hybrid powers. Now Mystic says she's an immortal witch. I just really want to find Chloe.

"Mystic can you help me find Chloe she wouldn't tell Kayla where she was going. I'm worried about her.Something doesn't feel right." I say.

"I can try. Since your imprint is so strong I need your blood to locate her and something with her DNA on it." She explains.

I text Alyssa to sneak into Chloe's and grab something that would have her hair on it. She immediately gets the job done and she's here knocking on the front door. I open it to see her handing me a hairbrush.

"You owe me big time for this dog." She mutters.

"I'm just trying to find Chloe."

"What if she doesn't want to be found?"

"What do you mean she could be in trouble?" I stare confusingly towards her.

"Colton she left with Kaden and she didn't say where she was going. Maybe her and Kaden left town together."

"No she would've said goodbye to her aunt and Jordan they have no idea where she is."

"She doesn't want to be found Colton." She says."Stop being stubborn."

I ignore her and hand the brush to Mystic. She grabs some hair off of the brush and puts it in a glass bowl. She then grabs my hand and cuts it with a knife. The blood from my hand drips into the bowl over Chloe's hair. She puts the bowl on top of a map and starts chanting a spell. As she chants the spell the bowl moves on top of our location and then it moves downward. The location is in Pennsylvania. They went to go see her parents. That's not good. I grab my jacket and run to my car. Alyssa gets into the passenger seat without me even noticing at first.

"I'm coming with you." She says while putting on her seatbelt.

"Why I thought you told me to stop being stubborn and leave Chloe alone?" I mock her.

"Look dog. I have nothing else to do since Jasmine is sleeping and Chloe's a-wall I might as well just go find her with you."

"Alright but where we're going you need to control yourself because their will be a lot of hybrids."

My warning didn't bother her and she just pulls out her phone and starts texting someone. I start the car and turn on the radio embracing my self for the long ride ahead of me.

POV-Chloe Hill
My mother, Rosalyn,embraced me the longest. She was so relieved to know that I was okay. My father,Christopher, was too. They didn't know that I would be born while they were traveling on their way back home but when I was born there was a wolf pack that chased my parents out of their territory. The Haven pack. I did not want to tell them I knew about the pack our that I was a member of it. That would be horrible considering I just met them. It was hours that I caught them up to speed about my life.

"And four months ago my adoptive parents were both killed in a fire. That's when my aunt Janice took me and Jordan and moved us to New Haven." I stop talking when some girl stomps her way into the throne room.

"Mother,Father the maids did not properly wash my evening gown and now it's a sickly green color that I simply cannot wear." She stops her rant when she sees me. "Who is this peasant?"

"Adeline this is your little sister,Chloe." Rosalyn explains.

Adeline walks over to me and shakes my hand.

"Nice to meet you. I'll just say it right now if your think you are heir to father's throne your not. I'm next in line because I'm older and already betrothed to my mate." She says all moody.

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