Chapter 20|Don't Forget Me|

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POV-Colton Woods

Anna knows where Chloe and the boys are. She's not as stupid as we thought but she knows that watching her live without knowing me hurts me so she puts a spell on a TV in the castle and I'm chained up forced to watch Chloe move on in her life without me. Soon she'll be starting at a new school and I'm worried she won't even remember anything about us.

In September after the previous year...The twins are now eight months old and Chloe,Jasmine,and Alyssa must repeat their junior year at New Marina High School.

POV-Chloe Hill

Alright another new school year and another new school. The only difference is that I have twin sons now probably from a one night stand at a party I went to. Also I have no idea who their father is. Alyssa and Jasmine keep telling me this guy named Colton but I don't even remember what happened over the course of last year. All I know is I'm different then I was back then. I'm a hybrid and I know who my birth parents are but now they are dead. I have to act like I'm normal. Like I'm not broken. That's far from what I feel like in the morning when I wake up so early because Jaxon is crying so much. I walk into the nursery down the hall and I pick him up and try to soothe him. After a while I feed him and then I get him back to sleep. When I go downstairs into the kitchen I ask for a glass of water and the fridge pours it for me into a cup. I drink the water and I sit at the dining room table facedown. I hear footsteps in the kitchen and then I hear a voice speak.

"Fresh blood please." Alyssa's perky voice says to the refrigerator.

I hear her take a big slurp and then she sits down next to me at the table.

"Ready for school today Chlo?" She asks.

I look up at her and she looks all sweaty and she's wearing sporty clothes.

"How was the morning jog?" I ask her.

"It was great you should go with me and Jas next time Miami is so beautiful." She says. "You still didn't answer my question."

"I'm not ready Alyssa. I want to forget school and not even go. I don't need to do anything except for taking care of my kids."

"Look Chloe you need to stay hidden from Anna and she knows you'll be attached to your sons." She pauses."So get ready because we will drop off your babies at the daycare right down the street and we'll go have the best day at school."

I groan and then walk upstairs when I hear Jace crying. And then not long after Jaxon cries also. I feed Jace for about 30 minutes and then I change his diaper. Then I change Jaxon's diaper. I go into my room after and get my clothes ready for a shower. Jasmine walks into my room and sits on my bed.

"You know you don't have to go to school today if you don't want to." She says.

"I know but Alyssa does have a point I have to not be attached to the boys forever. I mean in a few years they'll be going to school anyways so I need to get used to it." I reply.

"Well I'm going to go get them dressed for you while you go take your shower." She says walking out of the room.

After she leaves I walk into the bathroom and I take a shower. When I'm finished I put on my robe and head back into my room. I pick out a black tank top to wear and a pair of white shorts and my diamond encrusted sandals. I put on my clothes and I grab my Vera Bradley book bag and then I'm down the stairs. Jasmine already has the boys in their car seats all buckled up in the van. I grab the breastmilk I pumped last night in the fridge and put it in the diaper bag. Then I get a fresh blood bag and drink all of the blood to hold me over throughout the day. I grab the diaper bag putting the strap around my shoulder while I still have my book bag on my back. I walk out to the car and I open the door to sit in between the twins in the middle seat. Alyssa gets in the car after she finally picked out an outfit and then we head down the street to the daycare. I grab Jace out his car seat while Jasmine grabs Jaxon. We walk into the daycare and Insee so many little kids and babies it looks so peaceful.

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