Chapter 15|Hearts Without Chains|

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POV-Chloe Hill
I stare at the ceiling, just smiling because Colton forgave me. He wraps his arms around my body making me giggle.

"I love you so much Colton." I say.

"I hated being angry at you."He replies.

But then my happiness turns to sorrow.

"My aunt won't let us be together because I told her that we were having sex." I admit.

"Hey I'm sure I can win her over. Why don't I come over to your house for dinner tonight?" He asks.

"It's not that simple." I pause moving out of Colton's arms and onto the edge of his bed."My wolf lashed out on my aunt earlier at the hospital."

"Did she see your eyes?"He asks.

"No but she left for help. I jumped out the window and I broke a few bones but I healed and ran over here in wolf form." I explain.

"So she has no idea where you are right now? Why were you even at the hospital?" He questions me.

"I fainted in Janice's car while she was trying to take me to get birth control." I start."The reason why I lashed out on her was because I found out I was adopted and abandoned by my birth parents in a forest."

"I'm sorry Chloe. That must've been tough. You shouldn't have lashed out on your aunt though she was only keeping it from you because your parents didn't want to tell you." He says.

"I know I couldn't control it. You know it's not easy being a hybrid." I argue.

"That's fair. Can you compel her to forget?" He asks.

"I hate lying to her so much but I can do that to at least make her less suspicious about me." I agree with his plan and we both get dressed.

Once we're done Colton grabs my waist and pulls me in for a kiss. When he does this I feel something stirring in my stomach I pull away from his kiss and gasp.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah I thought I felt something. I must've imagined it." I say moving my hand away from my stomach.

"We should get to your house right now so we can straighten everything out." Colton holds my hand.

"Yeah let's go." I let him guide us out of the house and into the car.

I stare out of the window as we are moving down the road. I look down at my stomach and I swear something is is in there. Or maybe I'm just hungry. I haven't fed off of anyone in a while. I pull out my phone and I check the time. It's 5:14. Hopefully compelling aunt Janice into forgetting will make my life easier.

POV-Alyssa Weber
Right now I'm hanging out with Jasmine and she's really obsessing over my brother right now. She apparently had a talk with him yesterday and she thinks he's her soulmate. I really need to help her get over him because he's 25 and she's only 16.

"I don't think you should be interested in dating Duke,Jas. He's not good for you."I say.

"I don't judge who you date So back off." She argues.

"I'm just trying to save you from a broken heart." I try to apologize.

"Whatever. Have you heard from Chloe? I feel like I haven't talked to her in a while." She says.

"I know right. She's probably off getting married to Colton and making little wolf puppies."I laugh.

"That's not funny Alyssa.You know how dangerous it would be if Chloe actually got pregnant by Colton. That baby could kill her." She says.

Hanging On(**Under Revision**)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz