Chapter 1|A New Town,A New School,and A New Life|

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Help me! This is a nightmare I can't wake up from. My aunt Janice told Jordan and I that we are moving to New Haven,Conneticut. I have no idea what to expect I mean we are going to a new school that isn't even located on the map. What am I supposed to do I mean I had so many friends at my old school. I was on the cheerleading squad and I had an amazing boyfriend. He broke up with me basically because I became mute after what happened with my parents. My sister on the other hand is also not taking their death as well as me either. She's been on countless drugs and she started smoking. I'm worried about her. I don't want her to be an alcoholic or get lung cancer. I need her and I need my aunt Janice because they are the only family I have left.

When we arrive at the new house I see a big mansion. This house looks more expensive than any house we've ever lived in before. I mean there's a garden right in front of the mansion. It's just beautiful.

"This is the house we are living in?" Jordan said sounding almost disappointed.

"The mansion maybe old but hey it's still a mansion," said my aunt Janice. I just couldn't stop smiling. This mansion was amazing.

"You have anything to say about the mansion Chloe?"

I shook my head. I still haven't said anything since my parent's died. They rushed into a burning building to see if I was in their because I told them I was staying at my friend Rosalie's house when I was really at my boyfriend Ryan's party. My parent's told me I wasn't allowed to go but I didn't listen to them. Rosalie's boyfriend picked me up from my house and we went to the party. I had now idea what happened at Rosalie's house until the next morning when I was actually sober and Jordan finally told me what mom and dad did and how they thought I was at Rosalie's so they went into the house to look for me. They died on the way to the hospital from the smoke fumes. I feel so guilty.

"Well then we better start unpacking because you two have to start school tomorrow." We grabbed our suitcases from the trunk and made our way to the door. Me and Jordan didn't feel like helping aunt Janice so we went upstairs to see our rooms which shockingly already had furniture in it. In my room their was a twin sized bed with flower bed coverings on it. This room looked like it belonged to a 5 year old. I walk across the hall to see Jordan's room and it looks more like around her age than my room does.

"What you're jealous? I never would think the fabulous Chloe Hill would ever be jealous of anyone or anything."

I just stared at her. I have no reason to argue with her because she's nothing compared to me.

"Cat got your tongue? You have nothing to say pretty girl?"

I walked out of her room and into the hallway. I turn into this dark hallway and I see a bookshelf. I see a book called "Haven Bloodline." I don't know what made me open it and pick it up but I did. I looked through all of the pages which showed the founders of New Haven and alot of stuff about the founders of New Haven. I keep flipping the pages until I see a picture of a girl who looks alot like me. The same dark brown hair and the gold eyes. I actually don't know why my eyes look like a gold yellowish color because both of my parents don't have yellow eyes. I put the book back on the shelf in complete shock and I head downstairs to the kitchen to help my aunt unpack some more.

After that I went back up to my room and went to sleep hoping that my first day will be okay at Switch. What can go wrong for a 15 year old girl like me?

When I woke up I literally only had like 5 minutes to take a shower and plan my outfit out for school. I wanted to wear something that said "I'm not a slut," but said " I used to be one." I finally decided on a pink cami and mid thigh shorts with my converse. I didn't want to seem to over the top designer on my first day. I need to save those outfits for when I actually have friends. My aunt Janice said that she would drive us to school today and if course Jordan would gladly wait at the bus stop but my Aunt said she wants to drive us to our first at school today because we're like the daughters she never had.

We got to the school a couple minutes before class started. This old lady was waiting for us in the lobby. The worst part about this was that my aunt had to come in too.

"Hello ladies.I'm Mrs. Owen. I'm the school principal. Welcome to Switch."

All I'm thinking is when do I get to leave.

"Now this school has some history in it."

"Really cause this place isn't even on the map." Jordan said smiling. Mrs. Owen looked at Jordan with a mean stare." I know people like you Jordan. You think you can just drink away all your problems. Well you can't this is real life little girl." I never thought I would ever hear a principal talk to someone like that. Then Mrs. Owen looks at me,mostly my eyes which is kind of awkward.

"Anna?" she says in shock. "Is it really you?"

I look behind me to see who she's talking to and see no one. I realize she's talking to me.

My aunt Janice said,"Her name's not Anna Mrs Owen it's Chloe."

"Sorry my mistake. When you are old you forget things easily." Then she picks up some papers from her desk and hands them to me and Jordan.

"Here are you're lockers and combinations. And also your class schedule. I actually have a tour guides whose supposed to come in here to show you two around to all of classes. Oh there they are now."

Two students walk into the office. One's a boy and one's a girl. The boy looks younger than me.He has black hair and he looks like the way Jordan dresses. Then the girl looks around my age,with blond hair and blue eyes,obviously. The girl I see whose perky now runs up to me and gives me a hug.

"Welcome to Switch. I know we are going to be best friends." I can't help but just stand there letting her hug me. "I'm Alyssa Weber. And you are Chloe Hill." I nod my head. " Come one let's go to our first class or we are going to be late."

Before I can even answer she grabbed my arm and we ran out of the office into the hallway. We walk into our first class which is apparently chemistry. I sit down in seat in the back of the classroom when Alyssa sees me and pulls me up to the front.

"I'm going to make you be somebody here Chloe. I can tell we're alike."

I nod my head at her and smile. Then the teacher walks into the classroom. And he looks young like he's in college still.

"Hello class. I hope you all finished your projects on Mendel." Then he goes aorund the class picking up projects that we're already on the desk before he even picked them up. What kind of school is this. When he picks up Alyssa's paper he looks at me.

"Alyssa you didn't tell me we have a new student in class." She replied,"I thought you would've noticed. "

Then the teacher sticks his hand out to me and introudes himself. "I'm Mr.Weber. Nice to meet you..." Then he looks at my eyes. "Anna.." Again what is with this school and people calling me Anna.

" No her name is Chloe." Alyssa said.

"Right,Sorry." He said then he continued on with class. All I focused on the whole class was some guy staring at me. The whole 40 minutes I was trying to focus on what Mr. Weber was saying when this guy was trying to do a staring contest without me even looking at him. When the class was over I ran out of the classroom. Alyssa was trying to catch up with me but she couldn't. I turned around and then I saw the guy standing at the other end of the hallway. I just stare at him. Alyssa caought up to me.

" Hey what's wrong Chloe?" Then she sees what I'm looking at. "Oh that's Colton Woods. He never looks at any girl. But I saw him staring at you in Chem. That's a good sign."

That still doesn't explain why he was staring at me like he was the scream and he was going to kill me. I walk with Alyssa to our next class only thinking about Colton.


I hope this story is getting good. This is a mix-up of a new story I'm writing and a old one I already wrote. I'll post another part soon. Please vote and Comment.

Hanging On(**Under Revision**)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ