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"Drown the eldest daughter first."

"My Queen-"

"Do it!" She demanded.

Two warriors reluctantly dragged the eldest daughter, who fought with all her might, as they lowered her head into the water, but they didn't have the heart to finish the job. The eldest gasped for air as they released her.

"What are you doing?! Finish the job!" Dinah demanded.

"My Queen, I'm sorry. I can't," one answered. "I'm afraid I'll have to agree my Queen," the other explained.

Dinah rolled her eyes, "Fine. I'll do it," she said as she walked over to the daughter and filled her fist with her hair, "This is for my family," she said as she thrusted the girl's head back into the water. As the girl struggled beneath the ocean waves the Otukolo family cried, begged, and pleaded for the life of their sister/daughter. Normani shied away and turned her head from the scene, she didn't like what was evolving.

Even with her eyes turned away she could hear the struggle and the final moments before The Otukolo daughter let the last of her life bubble to the surface. But it was what she heard after that surprised her. There were of course cries of pain and outrage from the Otukolo's, but Dinah released tears of regret, sadness, fear and pain. Normani turned to see the young Queen staring at the lifeless body in her hands, seemingly unable to let go. Mani rushed over to Dinah and laid her hands atop hers.

The Polynesian looked up to the New Caldonian, with the black vengeful eyes now completely gone, Normani recognized the girl she fell for. Her eyes were back to their usual brown color but they now showed remorse.

"It's ok," Normani cooed as the Queen cried into her embrace, "Let go of her," she said as she rubbed the back of Dinah's palms. The younger girl obeyed and clung to Normani in a desperate manner. "I thought I'd feel better. I thought everything would be fiixed," she mumbled into Normani's neck. "Shhh, shhh. Everything's gonna be fine. Lets just head home ok?" she whispered back as she helped The Monarchy of Tonga to her feet and started to lead her home.

"Take them in as prisoners," Normani instructed as she began to walk home.

"With all due respect Miss Hamilton," one of them said sincerely, "We can only take orders from her majesty."

"Listen to what she says!" Dinah demanded in her vulnerable state, "She will be your Queen, very soon."

Everyone, including Normani, was shocked to hear this revelation. All of sudden a talk with Dinah seemed very urgent. She rushed the Queen to her royal abode and helped her onto the bed. The Queen sat on her bed looking terrified out of her mind. She brought her knees to her chest, hugging them tightly as she rocked back and forth.

"What have I done..."

"It's not your fault. No one blames you. We all make mistakes, you just found out your familly was murdered by your future husband," she argued as she sat down and comforted her.

"My family wouldn't have wanted this," she replied as tears rolled down her cheeks, "My poor Seth..."

Normani cocked her head in question.

"He showed up right before she died. He looked like he was so apalled by my action. He told me to forgive and I instantly felt disheartened by their deaths. I hate them so much, but I feel so bad for killing them," she cried out, "All I felt was rage when I was doing it, but now all I feel is regret"

"You weren't thinking straight, it happens to the best of us," she assured as she took some cloth and soaked it in a bowl of water at the bed side.

"I'm sorry I didn't trust you earlier," she sighed out as she leaned into the older girl's comfort, "I just wanted to believe in something that wasn't there. I should've believed when you told me how my family died. Remember when I threatened you with the death of your family? It was Nela that gave me the idea to kill them, and how. It was the same way he killed mine, I linked the two the minute you told. I just didn't want to believe it because it changed my whole thought process. And If you haven't noticed I don't do well with change."

"It's alright," she assured as she ran her hand through the young Queen's hair and wiped the blood off her hands and face with the soaked cloth.

"No it's not. I didn't mean what I said earlier. I said I felt nothing for you and I lied, before these recent events you were the only person to bring feeling and emotion back into my life. I said I didn't love you, but I lied. I love you and your presence. You make my stomach fill with butterflies and you make my heart swoon with every glance you give me. I love every aspect of you. I told you to leave me alone, but I lied. I don't want to imagine the rest of my life without you by my side. You were right, I don't need a man to be powerful, but I also don't want the throne all to myself. Please don't leave, I want you to rule Tonga by my side, I need your guidance. I need you..."

Normani was speechless, she stared at Dinah, flabbergasted by her statements. Her hand dropped from washing the dried blood off the Queen, and rested in her lap.

"Please say something," Dinah pleaded as she caressed the cheek of the one she loved.

Leaning into her touch the daughter of The Lord of Horse and Hunt and sighed sadly, "Dinah you're not in the right state of mind. Maybe we should talk after you've rested."

"Normani please," she started, "I'm not drunk off Kava, I'm not sleep deprived, I'm not overcome with the spirits, or anything else that would skew my thoughts. Right now is the first time in forever my head is clear. I know what I want, and I want you. When I was in that deathly rage, do you know the only good thing I can remember? I remember just wanting to protect you. Please, be my Queen."

The Queen had inched closer and closer to Normani as she gaver her little speech and by the end their lips were millimeters apart. Dinah's breath was shallow, but Normani's were deep and shaky. "Your majesty," she started cautiously as she avoided the gaze of Dinah's eyes. "I promise I will never let anything happen to you," Dinah assured as she closed the gap between their lips.

The older girl immediately kissed her back, slipping her hand behind the base of Dinah's neck, craving more of her lips. The monarch swiped her tongue across the other girl's bottom lip, her tongue slowly gaining entrance. Their tongues fought for dominance as Normani attempted to speak.

"Are you sure?" she said haugtily as she separated from their embrace. Dinah smiled as she held Mani's sides and rested her nose and forehead against hers, "I've never been more sure of anything ever. I love you, and I'm sorry I tried denying it."

"What about my family?"

"They can stay here if they want. They can go back home. Either way you are free to travel back and forth to see your entire family. You may leave as you please, and return when you want. I just have one request," she stated.


"Where ever you go I go with, be it back to your home, or to Samoa, to Tahiti, to Aotearoa, to Rapa Nui, to the world... I just want to be with you."

Normani smiled, "I can think of no better offer."

With a toothy grin she connected their lips once again, "When do you want to tell my people and yours?"

"First thing tomorrow," she replied, "Tonight I want to be with you..."



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