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As they approached her home she let her men remain outside as she entered. She jumped as she saw the prisoner from earlier laying on the floor. She had completely forgotten her request to have her sent to her home.

"I had forgotten about you," she said out loud making the prisoner's eyes snap open in caution. The prisoner sat up and watched as the Queen walked circles around her. "Why are you here?" Dinah asked her once again. The prisoner growled as she was restrained with the rope that bound her.

"Fiesty one aren't you?" Dinah asked as she took the prisoner's chin roughly in her hand, "Spit on me again and I'll have your tongue cut off," she warned as she saw the prisoner preparing to shame her again. But with the threat the prisoner swallowed her pride. "Now, answer my question," the Queen insisted. But to no avail she did not answer.

Dinah let go of the prisoner in disgust, "How can I threaten someone who does not know my own language?"

The prisoner sneered as Dinah secured her ropes.

"No matter, I will get the information some other way."

3 Days Later

"What have you done with my people," the prisoner barely managed to ask the Queen who was brushing out her long blonde hair.

After days trapped in the room with the Queen, she hated to say she was quite beautiful. Her tapa clothing hugged her reasonably and her legs were toned by the Gods themselves. The tales of her beauty were true, but even she couldn't drop everything for beauty. She had a mission, and she was going to get it done.

Dinah smirked, "It speaks," she said as she turned to face the starving prisoner, "Now tell me why you're here."

Any positive thoughts she had about the Queen vanished, "You starve me knowing any day now I'll die of dehydration! Why would I tell you anything?!"

"Because you want to live. I've watched you these last few days. You are strong, an admirable trait, but even you can't resist nature. Tell me do you think the rest of your crew is as strong as you?" Dinah said menacingly. The prisoner scoffed as she stood up, "And people call you The Friendly Isles."

Dinah sighed out in aggravation, "So be it, would you like to say goodbye before your people die?"

The prisoner stared at her questioningly.

The Queen smirked, "You don't think I'd keep them alive if it didn't benefit my people. Since no one wants to tell me why you are here I have no use for you or them. And since you are so obviously the leader you will watch as your people die by the very substance they need to survive."


"Strong and smart. You are right. They die in the ocean, tonight. But you will live until the dehydration kills you so that you can watch. Watch as your people drown, knowing you could've done something."

The prisoner started to tear up but kept a straight face, "Please, those are my sisters. My cousins. If you are the least bit kind and compassionate as fabled, please, spare them," she begged in a brave and honorable way. "And what do I get in return," Dinah asked.

"I will answer all your questions," the prisoner said reluctantly.

Tonga's Queen smiled, "Glad we could settle this," she said as she started to walk out of the room.


Dinah stopped.

"You will allow my family to live?"

Dinah turned around, "I will do you better. I will ensure their survival as well as make sure they are treated as if they are apart of the Tongan royal family. And as long as you answer my questions I will continue to do so. You have my word."

The prisoner sunk to her knees, "Thank you," she said as she passed out from the dehydration and added movement.

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