Her warriors rushed into the village meeting place and kneeled in her presence. "My Queen, we found New Caledonian people crashed on the banks of Ha'atafu," one informed her. "Bring them to me," she demanded from her throne.

With a nod he yelled to his men outside as they brought in a small group of people, 4 men and 3 women. Her eyes scanned the group and landed on one of the women. She had long black hair and flawless cocoa colored skin. Her eyes were a dark shade of brown letting mystery rise to the surface as she shot the Queen a glare.

"Why are they bound like this?" She asked, "We are the friendly islands Mo. We do not greet visitors like this."

"I understand, Queen Dinah, but as my men tended to their wounds I checked their boat. Inside I found maps of our islands with plans to pillage and rob our people. They have a great multitude of weapons ready to use against us," he informed.

"Is this true?" Dinah asked as she rose from her throne approaching the prisoners. The prisoner Dinah had grown a liking to sneered as she approached her. The Queen stopped in front of said prisoner, and stared deep into her beautiful brown eyes, "Can you even understand me?"

With that the prisoner spat in Dinah's face. Immediately the Tongan warriors drew their spears as they pulled the prisoners to the ground. Dinah wiped the saliva off her face with her hands as anger radiated off of her. "Bring that one to my place," she said staring at the woman who had spit on her, "Put the rest in the pit until I can question them further."

With the wave of her hand she was left alone as the prisoners were dragged out.

She slumped into her throne as she called for her trusted advisor, child hood friend, and fiance since they were 6, Nela.

"Why do they wish to attack our island?" She asked.

"They are jealous of our island and it's people," he explained.

"Still, we've been nothing but kind to everyone who approaches our shores. If it is our kindness they are jealous of, they'll soon be mistaken when we fight back."

"You must not give in to their violence. Your family would not have wanted that as your legacy," he reminded her.

"But with each new threat during my reign, we must postpone our marriage. I wish we could just run away and get married without anymore problems standing in our way."

"Believe me, I wish it could be that simple too. To have my rightful place as King of Tonga," he wished. She looked at him skeptically. "As well as to be with you my love," he quickly added as he took her hand in his. She smiled, "The island awaits you with open arms Nela. As soon as I get to bottom of this newfound quarrel between us and the New Caledonians we will be wed."

"I wish for nothing more," he confessed. Dinah smiled again as she yawned, "I must retire. So should you. Get some rest for what tomorrow brings."

"Yes, my queen," he said as he kissed her hand and departed. Dinah sighed in exhaustion as she rose from her throne and was escorted to her home by her body guards.

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