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When she woke the sun was still out but Dinah and her family were huddled over her. Dinah looked worried as her family explained what had happened. Slowly the rest of the dinner guest trickled out. As Normani's family finished explaining her face grew evidently more angry. Normani touched her hand in hopes of calming her down a bit. It worked, Dinah did not burst out in rage but rather helped Normani up and started carrying her back to her home. Right before they entered Nela rounded the corner. "Where have you been," Dinah scoffed.

"Something came up. Why what happened?"

She rolled her eyes as she lead Normani inside. She couldn't fake her feelings for him when Normani appeared hurt. "Are you ok," she asked as she set Normani down on her bed. "I'm fine. It's normal," Normani explained. "Normal? You call passing out on the beach normal?" Dinah said as she sat down next to her, "Your family is throwing it off like nothing bad happened, They're saying it's the gift."

Normani gave Dinah a look that confirmed her family's answer. "Aww shit. On my life I never thought I'd meet people so serious about this magic crap," she said getting up and getting comfortable for bed, "When you and your family are ready to be serious I'll be here waiting to talk," she said as she took off her clothes and wrapped herself in a lavalava. When she did Normani observed the Tongan's curves but was interrupted in her thoughts when she noticed a large scar on the younger girl's shoulder that had previously always been covered.

Feeling it had something to do with the night her family was murdered Normani asked. "Where'd you get that scar from?"

"None of your business," Dinah said as she climbed into her own bed. Normani walked over and knelt at her side, "Please tell me. I need to know."

Dinah wouldn't have conceded if she hadn't looked into Normani's pleading brown orbs. She sat up and sighed, "Two days before the bodies of my family were found I was almost kidnapped after having been playing in the mountain jungles. I escaped the clutches of whoever tried taking me, but not before they slashed my shoulder with a spearhead. Ever since Nela has been my unofficial security guard. Happy now?"

"The bodies? They were found washed up on the shore weren't they? Your family drowned didn't they?" Normani asked, Dinah looked at her with her mouth agape, "How did you know? I never told you, and you've been nowhere but with me your whole stay on the island."

"I know you don't believe in my peoples gift, but it is real. Gordon showed me what happened to your family Dinah. They drowned out at sea, because of the traitor; Dinah I know who betrayed your family."

"And what would you know?!" Dinah screamed, "You know nothing except for what you dreamt of! You and your family can leave Tonga! You are never welcomed here again with your child's play beliefs. I try my best everyday to live with their loss but you keep reminding me. You hold me back from ruling my people, I hate you for making me feel this way!"

"Make you feel what way? The fact I make you sad when I bring up your family or the fact that I make you feel the way you should feel about your fiancé?"

Dinah looked at the older girl appalled, "You accuse me of such things? How dare you?!" she said rising from her bed side, "How dare you dive into my personal life?!" She yelled as she forced Normani against one of the poles that held up her home.

They had been in this circumstance far too many times.

Normani did not show fear of the Queen but rather concern for her. Normani caressed the Queen's cheek as tears fell down the royal's face. "Dinah you have to believe me, trust me please. You've avoided me for too long, and it ends now. I care too much for you. Please believe me. I would never lie to you," she said trying to plead her case. "How? How can I trust anyone," she sobbed as her hands fell to Normani's waist. "I told you I'd never let anyone hurt you, and I meant it. Dinah I really like you, you have to trust me," she said as her hand slid from the Queen's cheek to the base of her neck. "I do. I trust you..." she whispered as the dark skinned girl pulled her in close and their lips connected.





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