Chapter 12 - Popping The Clutch

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"Got it."

"Alejandro I'll need you to take this wooden spoon and keep it between her teeth. She'll eventually break it, but it will keep her from biting off her tongue initially."

Sinu by this point stripped naked and transformed into a large grey and white wolf. She then moved to the side of the bed near Lauren. A few moments later Frank, who was on the other side of the bed, injected the IV needle into Lauren's arm and connected a tube to it. He then quickly connected the tube to another IV needle which he plunged into his own arm.

"Will this work?" Alejandro asked.

"If it doesn't kill her, yes?"

Alejandro said a silent prayer as Frank told Sinu to bite. A second later Sinu moved up on the bed and bit Lauren on her upper left arm.

Lauren opened her eyes quickly and screamed in pain as the fangs sunk into her flesh. A moment later the wolf let go and got back off the bed. Lauren kept moaning in pain for several moments more, as Sinu transformed back into a human.

"Ok Sinu, get dressed and bandage her wound." Frank said quickly, as his blood began to flow into Lauren.

The bite momentarily snapped Lauren back into consciousness as the searing pain tore through her shoulder. However, she soon faded again. She felt like she was falling down a long tunnel. The voices and the sounds and the light grew dimmer and dimmer. She tried to fight so she could find Camila, but she felt too far gone.

As she felt the last bit of her life force starting to slip away, she suddenly felt something move inside her. Much to her surprise she realized the wolf inside of her, which only a few seconds ago was dying, suddenly snapped awake.

In the bedroom, the trio watched as Lauren's skin seemed to grow almost paper white.

"Come on Lauren. do it, let the wolf out." Frank said quietly.

A moment later Lauren's eyes snapped open and she took a huge breath. She began to scream about a second later. It was a blood curdling scream that reverberated through the entire house. Lauren suddenly felt like she was on fire, every single cell in her body seemed to tear itself apart.

Lauren pulled at the ropes as Alejandro inserted the spoon in her mouth. Biting down hard, Lauren just kept screaming. Wave after wave of agonizing pain shot through every part of Lauren's body.

"It's starting. If she turns into a wolf, back off. She's liable to be very disorientated." Frank said cautiously.

For almost 10 minutes Lauren suffered through the most horrible pain she could imagine. It was a hot stinging pain that was everywhere at once. It was only due to sheer willpower and her singular focus on Camila's face that kept Lauren from going mad due to the pain.

Lauren pulled at the ropes again, but unlike all the other times before it started to strain. Deep inside her, she could tell the wolf was now fully awake. Lauren pulled at the rope again and it snapped freeing her left arm.

Frank at this point, pulled out the needle from Lauren's arm and quickly bandaged it.

She bit down on the spoon, snapping it in half. Alejandro grabbed the pieces of spoon and stepped back. Lauren didn't know what was happening to her. But the rush of feelings, power and instinct was almost too much. A second later she snapped the rope holding her right arm. She pulled up on her legs and both those ropes snapped like they were made of paper.

From the doorway, Frank, Sinu and Alejandro watched as Lauren got up and kneeled on the bed. She then let out what sounded like a primal scream.

Than she began to change.

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