Chapter 6 - A Clearer Picture

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*No One's POV*

The next day was Saturday. The previous night, she had that strange dream about the black wolf with her eyes. Though strangely accepting of everything else, that somewhat unnerved her. After the dream, Lauren found herself unable to sleep. She tossed and turned for hours but sleep eluded her. She eventually managed to drift off for about an hour before morning came.

Lauren was tired and crabby, but decided to spend the morning doing homework. Around 11 am the doorbell rang.

"Probably Cabello, maybe I can ask her about that weird dream." Lauren muttered.

Though as she opened the door, Lauren saw it was Camila's mother. She was casually dressed and had a nervous smile on her face.

"Mrs.Cabello, If you're looking for Camila she's not..." Lauren started to say before she was cut off.

"No Lauren, I wanted to speak with you. Alone."

Lauren stepped aside, as she suddenly got very nervous. "Please come in."

A disturbing thought quickly ran through Lauren's mind. "If Camila's strong, then her mother is even stronger. She could easily kill me."

"Can I get you something." Lauren asked to be polite.

"No Thank you. Are you alone?" Mrs.Cabello said as she stood just inside the house.

The word alone really bothered Lauren, causing her to shift her weight uneasily.

"Um...yes." Lauren said her as her voice squeaked.

"Lauren, I'm not here to hurt you. I just need to talk to you about some things." Mrs.Cabello said reassuringly. She had noticed the look of fear in Lauren's eyes. As a predator, Mrs.Cabello quickly picked up on it. Scaring or harming Lauren was not her intention.

Lauren relaxed slightly and pointed to the living room just to the right.

Mrs.Cabello walked into the living room and sat down on an overstuff leather couch. Lauren sat on a matching chair, several feet away. Though somewhat eased by Sinuhe Cabello's reassurance, a sense of nervousness remained.

"I care for Camila, Mrs.Cabello." Lauren started.

"Call me Sinu, please. She speaks highly of you. She's grown very attached to you, in fact. And most importantly, she trusts you."

Lauren bit her lip. "This is going to be a strange question, but are you here because I'm a girl or the the fact that I know that Camila's a werewolf?"

Sinu Cabello quickly laughed. "You're right, it is a strange question. But to answer it. I don't mind my daughter is dating a girl. Just as long as that girl treats my daughter with respect and caring. I'm here because of my daughters gifts. Now don't get me wrong, I love both my daughters equally. Before you really get to dating my Camila, you need to know some things."

Lauren nodded. "She told me some stuff, I'm not sure if it's all I need to know." Lauren then briefly told Sinu Cabello, what she had been told.

"Ok, she covered most of the basics, but she did leave out a few things."

Lauren began to worry, "What exactly?"

"To our kind, our secrecy is very important. "If Camila trust's you, than I will. Regardless of what happens, it would be most wise of you not to mention anything our kind. People who've talked in the past about us. They disappear. I won't do anything, for Camila's sake, but someone else would. It sounds a bit harsh, and I'm sorry I had to say it, but we dangerous can be if crossed."

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