*HNS (Chapter Three)

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“Spock from star trek,” So unemotional and right to the point. I added in my head.


“Never mind,” I said quickly.

The tray had an omelet with whole wheat toast, a glass of milk and some juice. It wasn’t pancakes, but it will do.

“How are you so human?” I asked.

“We’ve crossbred for centuries with humans, because what our race looked like before was awful. We were tall black creatures with claws and mood changing eyes... Although the eyes haven’t changed, we’ve altered our DNA’s, now we are more human than Twiads…” He looked down, I could tell there was more, but I doubted I could get the whole story from him.  

“How about your technology? I mean you have just as much as humans.”

“Yes, we have learned as fast as you have, and we may or may not have seen some of earth’s… I give your planet one thing; they know how to make good lamps.”

“What about your emotions?”

“What about them?”

“You don’t have any.”


He shook his head impatiently. “We do have emotions; we just control them better than Humans.”

I think that was an insult, but you can never tell with him.  

His eyes were warm purplish green, so he was a little happy. The color was so… pretty. Pretty didn’t seem like it was the right word. Beautiful sounded closer, but I didn’t want to call his eyes beautiful.

“Eat,” He commanded.

“You’re kind of controlling,” I muttered. I could have sworn I saw a slight smile, but maybe it was my imagination.

“I’m going to check on Jack,” He left the room, locking it on the way out.

I remembered he had said that he was going to put cameras in the room, so I jumped up and walked around the room.

I looked in the corners of the ceiling, the books, but I couldn’t find it.

Then I saw something shiny. I got on my knees and saw built into the leg of the table was a tiny camera.

“Hi Zack,” I said with a slight victorious smile.

I walked over to the bookshelf, examining all of the colorful colors. Some had familiar names, books that I have read before, but some I didn’t even recognize. My fingers brushed against the smooth covers, but something caught my eye.

“You stole my journal?” I gasped, yanking it off the shelf.

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