Chapter Two - The Beginning

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          He crossed his arms and thought for a second.

          “Where am I?” I asked a different question.

          “Come with me,” He grabbed my arm, and ignored my tugging trying to get away from him.

          He dragged me along with him through a door that blended in with the wall. We were in a hallway where there were others, all men, walking by us, all of which looked like they were about to have a photo shoot.

          We entered a room that was small with a couch, table and a window, but the curtains were closed, so I couldn’t tell even if I was above ground. He sat me down on the couch and pulled a metal chair up next to me.

          “My name is Zackary, we are on the planet Renton, I am not human, and I’m a race called Twiad,” He stopped and stared at me with curiosity. 

          I felt like someone was going to jump out from behind a curtain, and yell “Surprise!” but unfortunately, this wasn’t the case. He just looked at me with the most cautious expression. I shook my head stubbornly. No way is this even the least bit possible. He’s trying to mess with me, a way of torture.

          “What?” He asked.

          “This is a joke! This isn’t true!” 

          “Let me finish,” He told me. “Our race is dying, our females have are all gone and all that is left is the males. We can’t let our race die, so we needed some females. We knew earth will have a lot and are capable. After many years, we have cross bred our race with humans before, that’s why we look so much like your race.”

          I stared at him, horrified. He was in serious need of psychiatric help, but I was really surprised by how blunt and emotionless he was speaking.

           “You need us to carry on your race?” I said, although I still didn’t quite believe I was on some other planet.


           “I won’t,” I said through my teeth.

           “You don’t have a choice. You get your shot tomorrow.”

           “Shot?” I was confused.

           “We will give you a shot and then you will have my child… The pregnancy differs, it could be one year, or seven months,” He said it like he was discussing the weather.

           “Your child?”

           “I picked you for a reason.”

           “What? You don’t even know me!” I cried.

Horrifying New Start (Book I)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن