“Get out” Putting her back to me. Frowning my hands grab her hips.
    “No” Quickly she tries to land another punch, grabbing it she frowns.
    “Are you done now?” I don’t want to fight with her, she’s my mate.
    “No, I’m going to keep hitting and punching you till you leave me alone” Bringing her knee up to hit my personal area, pushing her knee back down I growl.
    “Fine, well do this the hard way” Picking her up and over my shoulder, pounding on my back she wont sit still.

    “Put me down” Snarling. Her skin is so tempting I can’t resisted, as my tongue licks her hip. Making her squeak, slapping her ass for good measure.
    “Be a good girl, and I will” Dropping her onto the bed, covering her with my body. Her hissing and struggling is only making things harder for me, literally. Does this beauty not no what she does to me, I mean really. Pushing my hand between her legs, she glares even that’s pretty hot.
    “This is sexual harassment” Tossing her head, making wet hair fan over her pillow.

    “Lets get something straight love, I’m in charge not you. Though you may think so. I’m going to answer all of those questions you were tossing at me, and if I hear one negative comment out of you I’ll have you moaning my name.” She waists no time in growling out her displeasure.
    “Fuck you” She spits. Dipping my head down, her already hard body makes it easy to tease her. Moaning out arching into me, flickering my tongue over her peak only to stop.
    “If your going to spit curses at me, that will be your punishment” Turning pale she frowns. Knew that’d work, though now I’m all worked up.

“Good now I am only going to say this once, so pay close attention. I am sorry I kept my title from you, though you would of known who I was if your wolf hadn‘t retracted” Turning my head to her. Moving on I need to get this all out, before she erupts again.
    “I didn’t do it to toy with you, and yes both packs were kept silent” Low growling at me I run a finger up and down, quickly she becomes silent.
    “I’m not done”  Catching her eye.
    “Further more you are not just some toy for me to simply toss out when I’m done. And as far as sleeping with the females in my pack, I didn’t because I didn’t want attachments.”
    “Can I speak now?”

    “Sure” Nodding for her to speak. She reruns all what I just told her, with me agreeing with her. Then as if she can’t hold her tongue she says something I didn’t expect.
    “You have no faith in me, no faith that I would simply want to know the real you. So you put up this whole show, just to keep the little rejected she-wolf in the dark. How generous of you” Hurt fills the large room, as her words sting more then that punch. She right though, I really thought she’d be like all the rest. Judging me the way the stories and myths were passed around, how was I to know she’d be different.

    “Fina” I’m such an idiot. Pushing my nose into her neck. Pleading with her to understand, as I keep kissing and rubbing my scent on her. Sighing she doesn’t seem to relax under me, as she quietly asks to get dressed. Frustrated more with myself, I allow her up. Its so hard letting her leave my side, as I watch her slip one piece of clothing on after another. Snapping me out of my gawking, I gulp.
    “So what was your reason behind it?”  Waiting for my reply.

Oh this should be rich…..

    “You’re my mate” I try to smile, but the look on her face says that would be stupid. Redness covers her lovely features, as she grabs a pillow chucking it into my face.
    “Damn it Fina” A book flies into my side. As I block a lamp, for the love of …..
    “You crazy son of a bitch, who do you think you are?” Looking around for something else to throw.
    “I’m your mate, that’s who damn it” Roaring at her, as she shakes her finger my way.
    “No, I had a mate.” My mouth and temper get the better of me.
    “And he rejected you” Those angry eyes turn into a threatening waterfall, her lip quivers.


    “Fina, no wait” Wrapping my arm around her.
    “Let me go, I hate you” Her tears break my heart, but the mere thought of her hating me burns into my flesh.
    “No please don’t say that, let me explain.” Pushing my head into her hair, taking in long gulps of her scent. Damn I’m so weak for this woman.
    “I didn’t mean to say that to hurt you, I said it because the bastard had his chance. If he hadn’t of fucked up so royally bad, then I would of never gotten the chance to do this.” Kissing her lips, I just have to make her understand. Far from a beggar, I’d beg this sweet angel for one more second with her. Dropping to my knees wrapping my arms around her beautiful body, nuzzling her stomach the shirt lifts letting me kiss exposed skin. Her small hands hang on my shoulders, as I keep kissing her.

    “Fina, do you know what kind of affect you have on me. I become so weak around you, I’d do anything for you. I may not be able to give you the same sparks as a true mate, but I can still make you feel like the most stunning woman in the world. You will never be without, I’ll get you want ever you want no questions asked” Looking up at her, the rolling of grey eyes with a half smirk tries to hide from me.
    “Bribery will not work on me, I am simply not that kind of woman” Grinning like a delightful child, I lift kissing her again.

No your not, which I love….

Getting her to show me a smile, proves to be easier then I thought, as she slaps my hand away. We banter a little more, before she admits she’s not as mad and will not burn me to a stake. Holding her as she turns to look up at me, bid grey doe eyes shine in the light.
    “Umm Jackson?” the sound of music to my ears.
    “Yes love?” Humming.

    “Shouldn’t you be hunting, the five rogues and the War bear” My body tenses, as I think she had more then a few stupid rogues to take care of. But another War Bear that’s not expectable. Making her look at me, gripping her shoulders.
    “What? What War Bear?” Scanning franticly her making sure she didn’t get hurt.
    “Stop trying to see if I’m hurt, you saw me naked. And yes I ran into a War bear” Shrugging, her shoulders. Damn her.
    “Your going to tell me everything, I don’t care how bijou it is.” Laughing at me she waves it off, saying she hungry. I swear to god this woman thinks the exact opposite of what I think. If I said that a War bear was the most dangerous creature, she’d scoff saying it was no more dangerous then a kitten.

After getting dressed, because someone isn’t going to drop it. We head downstairs where I talk to a few members, letting them know she’s perfectly fine. Stuffing her face with a sandwich, I want one as well. Taking hers proves to get me one made, plus its fun teasing her. As her back is turned I hide it behind my back, waiting for her shock. Holding a plate with mine on it, she looks for her sandwich. Claiming I ate it, her eyes go big but the quivering lip and sniffle make me regret teasing her so. Panic I will make my baby cry, I quickly pull the sandwich back giving it to her.

Her sadness disappears, revealing she’s once again got one over on me. Skipping away she all glee, as I growl.

    “Damn it” Grabbing my sandwich, stalking after her. Reaching the nursery I push the already cracked door open, ready to give her a piece of my mind.
    “Damn it Fina….” I am cut short, as the rooms beauty takes over. Wolves on every wall in different colors, brought to life with a few simple strokes and paint. She’s done each wall in a different season, each with its only magical attribute. Every tree, shrub, leaf and stone looks real enough to touch. The wolves look through your soul, almost at the ready to howl out.
    “You did all this? By yourself?” Turning to her.

    “Yea, is it okay?” Dropping the painters tape to the floor.
    “Okay? Its remarkable, I didn’t realize you were so talented.” As always she’s taken my breath away, what a remarkable woman.

We talk about school, which she seems more then pleased to do. Curious as to why her old Alpha didn’t offer that to her, seems like such a waist not to send her.

With the night coming fast, we close up the nursery heading back upstairs. Taking her hand kissing the top, pulling her into my room she raises her brow. Chuckling I just want her near me, though other things do sound very pleasing.
    “Stay with me tonight” Nodding she yawns.

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