Chapter 1

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Your whole life you have been told that your Prince Charming is coming on a white horse and that he will save you from your miserable and unbefriended life, that you will live happily ever after and all your dreams will come true, Clearly he's riding a turtle somewhere else and is confused.

Guess what? They're all lies! This is real life we are talking.

You see those beautiful couples hanging out, walking hand by hand on the sidewalk with happy smiles on their faces, knowing that the little god many people call Cupid shot them, but you've never gotten a freaking shot from Cupid's arrow , not even in the ass. Yeah , I guess that's me , the hopeless romantic wannabe , single for more than a decade, the one with any prospect on sight, besides a terrible obsession with french fries and ice cream.

My heels were killing me while I was walking down the busy street and for sure I was late for the interview.

"Can my life get any better?"I thought racing my pace.

A few weeks ago I was just a normal girl with a PHD, with no job when suddenly an offer appeared and I could not say no. I left my life and moved to the busy and luminous city of New York.

I caught a sight of my reflection on a mirror in a store nearby and fixed a curl of my brown hair that was out of place. I caught a glimpse of the subway stairs and hurried up down there. I needed to take train A downtown to get to the place. Five minutes later I was on the train, trying hard not to become a sandwich between a weird man and a girl that was shooting  daggers  at me with her look, the train was really crowded.

¡Gosh something smelled so bad on here!

Thanks to the Lord this was my stop, I left the train and ran towards the stairs while I was checking out my cellphone, I realized that I had 7 minutes to be exact to get to the place I was going.

The sound of my heels against the concrete of the sidewalk made me feel more anxious about what was coming. This interview meant the world to me, after getting a PHD in Chemical and robotic engineering I worked my arse out to get a good job in another country. I don't remember how many Cv's I have sent but then one day I got an answer, I packed all my stuff, say bye bye to my mom and took a flight to USA, and here I am.

A big building came into my view and to say I was shocked was to be light. The building in front of me was a huge skyscraper with tons of floors, that almost kissed the clouds. Big windows and a huge sign with the company name.

''Rostchlid Labs, cool name.''

I stepped in the reception and walked to the big desk where a woman in her 30's was typing something in an Mac.

"Good morning, my name is Monserrat Hernández and I'm here to see Mr. Spence."I spoke with a neutral voice.

The girl kindly looked at me and checked a list that was next to her,with  a tiny smile she showed me the lift at the end of the hallway behind her and told me to go to floor number 50th, that was the last floor.

I hurried to the lift and pushed myself inside of it. To say my palms were having a beach party was to say nothing, I disliked lifts and that , mixed with my previous nervous state.Well in fact it was not a good combination. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to calm myself down.

¡Come on Monse you got this¡

A beep sound told me that I had reached the last floor, I opened my eyes and peeked outside the doors. In front of me what I ever wanted was displayed, a huge lab with modern tech, white walls and a lot of people with white coats . My mind was blocked and my mouth was watering.

22 years of SinglenessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang