Chapter 36 - DIVORCE

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I'm finishing this story. Then I'm gonna leave Wattpad for a while. I apologise. I can't do it anymore. It takes up too much energy and distracts me from my worship and my Ibadah to Allah (swt) 

There's one more part after this one InshaAllah & then an epilogue (maybe one extra chapter idk we'll see how it goes). Then that'll be it. Apologies to everyone who was expecting so much more from this story.

Thanks to all who supported. May Allah bless you all.


(Yes, as you can tell from the title, this story will not have a happy ending. Let's be realistic here. 1 in 2 (50%) of marriages end in divorce.)

Not edited but I'm not even gonna say comment mistakes because you lot don't do it anyway SMH guysssss.



"Hira! We're gonna be late!"

I rolled my eyes as I adjusted my hijab properly and wore my coat over the top, smiling at the mirror, content with how I looked before leaving the bedroom and glaring at Amir who was already glaring at me anyway.

"Imagine how long it'd take you if you didn't wear hijab." He said, scoffing as he held my hand to help me put on my shoes.

"Let's test it out one day." I said, making him roll his eyes.

"Hurry up." He said as he squeezed my hand right as I stood up. He walked ahead of me to the car as I took my bag off the dresser and shut the front door behind me.

"Mama, you could've sat at the front." I smiled as I saw her in the backseat, but she simply shook her head in dismissal. "And sorry for being late." I added and again she shook her head with a chuckle.

"Apologies to the mum and attitude to the husband. Nice." Amir muttered as he put his hand on the head rest behind me, looking over his shoulder as he reversed out of the garage and the drive way before pulling onto the road.

"Waleed texted me just before. They're there now."

Amir nodded and I plugged the AUX cable into my phone, playing some Qur'an as we listened to it silently.

Eventually we got to the restaurant and the waiter led us to the table where my mum and two brothers were.

I swallowed deeply and cleared my throat, smiling at Waleed as he stood up. After hugging him and giving Hassan a big kiss which he later rubbed off his cheek, I hugged my mum before we sat down and gave our orders.

"How's Baba?" I asked mum after her and mama caught up a little and I 'caught up' with Hassan.

Alhamdulillah, Waleed and Amir were practically best friends now, so much so that I'd get jealous that my brother seemed to enjoy spending time with Amir more than he did with me. Not an envious bad kind of jealousy of course, but a good jealousy? ....if that's a thing.

"He's just normal, honey. You know, working as usual."

"Is he okay?"

Muslim Love Story (Under Major Editing) Where stories live. Discover now