Throbbing Heart

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•Y/N: Your Name
•M/N: Mother's Name


"It is better to light one small candle than to curse the darkness."


Mephiles' POV:

I find myself picking at the crack in the wall again. Ever since it formed, my mind has been abuzz with thoughts. Knowing Y/N is still alive really cleared the clouds in my mind. Now, rather than drowning in guilt and depression, I've put my head to good use, thinking up a plan to escape this cell and, hopefully, take the girl with me.

'I want to see her again. I hope they'll allow her to come back soon. It's been days, perhaps even weeks. I'm getting restless.' I'm driving myself mad trying to plan out an escape, but at every turn, I'm met with a brick wall in my path. Even my concept of time is long lost.

'If only the solution was so simple that I could break down this wall and tunnel out. These damn chains are a hindrance. The most they reach is a little over ten feet before they start to tug and burn. I can't even reach the door. I need Nazo. He'd be able to figure out how to get rid of these restraints, but how the hell am I supposed to get him here? Assuming he has been captured too, he should be someplace nearby, but between these chains and the guards, how am I going to send a message?' My ears perk at the sound of voices, and I whip my head towards the cell door. I abandon my thoughts for the meantime and listen closely, recognizing one of the speakers.

"She came."

Your POV:

These past few days have been so busy, and so much has happened. I had finally gone back home and talked to mom. To say she was shocked to see me in this condition was an understatement. A lot of tears were shed, naturally, as she had no idea I had been in a coma all this time. Thankfully, I had managed to calm her and assure her that I am getting better. After catching up, I decided to ask her if she'd like to live here with me. She said she would consider it after a visit first, which I thought to be a brilliant idea. I told her to come back with me and even invited "grandma" Margaret who happily agreed. I wanted them to meet my friends and see my new home, maybe even meet Mephiles, which is what we're doing now, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I was nervous. Mom is not exactly happy about the whole, "putting-me-near-death" thing, and neither was the old florist.

"All right, before we go in there, I think it would be best if you came in one at a time. He is contained, but regardless, I doubt he's going to attack you. Last time I saw him, he seemed pretty beat up about everything, so please, don't make him feel any worse about what he did. I promise, he's sorry and feels terribly guilty about it."

"I trust your word, Y/N, but are you absolutely sure this is safe?" My mom had a right to be concerned. I understand she probably would've preferred that I never spoke to Mephiles ever again after what happened. I give her a comforting smile and speak with certainty.

"Yes. He won't hurt you guys."

"And, if he does I'll shorten his chains," Knuckles cuts in suddenly, causing us to jump.

"Right. If anything bad happens, we have Knuckles to help. So, who wants to go first?" The two women exchange glances, the older one seeming more calm and collected than my own mother.

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