The Cells of Evildoers

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•Y/N: Your Name


"In all this darkness, let's pretend everything is just fine."

Mephiles' POV:

I stir awake at the sound of the cell door creaking open, my features scrunching before I blink my eyes open. Noticing I was enveloped in warmth, I gaze down and sigh in relief upon seeing Y/N still asleep with her face buried against me.

'Thank goodness. It wasn't a dream, after all.' Shutting my eyes for a moment, I run a hand down her back and am greeted by a familiar electricity that I had not felt in so long. Her healing energy seems to be working well. I do not feel as much pain as I had this morning.

'She's alive. She's really alive.' I pull her in closer, as though I was afraid she'd disappear from my claws. Unfortunately, she was about to.

"Good, you're up. Time to let her go now, Mephiles. She should be in her room, not sleeping in this place with the likes of you," states my guard in a cold and cruel voice. I glare daggers at the red-haired man, but say no words. There is no point in arguing. I have no choice anyways.

I slowly rise up with Y/N held securely in my arms, causing Knuckles to raise his guard with a warning look in his eyes as I approach. I stop short of him, not wanting to cause myself pain by getting too close to the door, and reluctantly relinquish the girl to him. I watch with hate in my eyes as he takes her away and leaves me alone in this empty cell, which felt ten times more lonesome without her presence. How badly I wish to kill them all for putting me here, but there is no use in fighting anymore. I place myself back in the corner, facing the wall and resting my head against it while thinking about the conversation I had with Y/N.

"Still friends." I felt a warm flutter in my chest and form a sad smile on my lips. "I can't believe she offered such a thing, yet she did." My nail scratches at the wall, leaving light marks on the surface. My smile drops. I suppose I should be grateful. Above everything, I regret what I have done to her. I was foolish.

'How could she forgive so easily? How could I lose sight of what she was to me? She was kind, and I just...' I sigh and pound my fist against the wall.

'How could I hurt her so? She never deserved... Y/N might have forgiven me, but I don't think I could ever forgive myself for this.' I punch the wall harder, making it tremble and crack. I draw my head back to view it and trace the lines with my nail's tip.

'At least she has given me another chance. This time, I will do it right. I won't squander this opportunity.' I tap at the cracks and cannot resist a smirk.

'Perhaps it won't be impossible to escape after all.'

Your POV:

I awake with groan as I'm swayed, like I'm being carried by someone, and tiredly open my eyes in confusion. I peer up at Knuckles and question him.

"Knuckles? Where are we going?" I look around and find us approaching Silver's living space.

"Just go back to sleep. I'm taking you home so you can rest. I feel a lot better knowing you're napping here rather than with that bastard. You should really be more careful, you know," he scolds. I lower my head with a disappointed sigh. I bet Mephiles was not too happy about that. Oh, well, what's done is done. I at least got the chance to talk to him. I mutter an apology as he takes me inside and brings me to Silver's room, where I have been staying. I'm set down gently on the bed before Knuckles speaks. "How did it go, anyways? You chew him out?" I shook my head.

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